The Douglas Storage Weir in the Vaal River is currently overflowing at 17.593 million cubic meters or 108.3%. The farmers have problems accessing water due to drying dams and rivers as well as water restrictions. In summary, some of the key lessons to be learned from the 1997-98 drought are the need for: a) Planning. ii. An effective overall drought-response strategy. In this study we extend a continental scale framework for drought forecasting in Africa that is currently under development (Barbosa et al., 2013), and apply this to the Limpopo basin in southern Africa, one of the most water-stressed basins in Africa. Definitions for Various Drought Types Meteorological drought is a reduction in rainfall compared with the average over a specified period. Significant droughts also occurred during the 1960s, 1980s, and early 1990s. The Limpopo river basin is expected to face even more serious water scarcity Hlungwani (2001:1) alluded that migration as part of socio, economic - process, is influenced by the state policies. Wits University's Professor Mike Muller describes these droughts as follows: 1. The following objectives were followed: (1) To describe the current rainfall and drought status in some districts in Limpopo province and (2) To describe factors that may influence food scarcity in Limpopo province. ii. Praktiseer is in the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality in the Sekhukhune district of Limpopo Province. Despite the barriers described, drought governance in Limpopo province is enabled by a variety of water infrastructures. Countries with good rainfall get up to 850mm of rain on average. This historical legacy led to the. Dr Jemina Moeng, Director: Smallholder Development, Limpopo Department of Agriculture, reported that the province experienced a significant increase in exposure to disasters, especially drought, veld fires, floods, and pest diseases over the last two years. community is studied. The Northern Cape Province is the largest of all the nine Provinces of South Africa in terms of land mass, but has the smallest population. The Limpopo River Basin is situated in the east of southern Africa between about 20 and 26 °S and 25 and 35 °E. It was a semi-rural area governed, before 1994, by the Lebowa Homeland Administration. The Hazelmere Dam in KwaZulu-Natal as at October 2015 was at 29% capacity—an all-time low—while the Kamuzu dams in Lilongwe, Malawi, were at less than 40% capacity in May 2016 at the peak of the drought (see Figure 3). The study involved Sekhukhune and Capricorn districts. Its average rainfall is lower than that of all the other provinces. The method for choosing an appropriate threshold in peaks-over threshold approach is also another problem of endless debate. Though the full story of Califorinia's drought continues to unfold, the effects are being felt across many sectors of the state, according to the Association of California Water Agencies' (ACWA) "2014 Drought Impacts And Strategies For Resilience." California's $44.7 billion agricultural economy is facing significant impacts, while ripple effects are extending to everything from . South Africa gets less than 460mm of rain in good years and now, most parts of the country are getting less than that. Getting ready to collect sediment cores. the shortage of water in the sekhukhune district municipality (sdm) in limpopo is impacting negatively on the operations at the hospital and five clinics in the moutse area.the outlet pipes are. . i. In summary, some of the key lessons to be learned from the 1997-98 drought are the need for: a) Planning. A common problem that arises in extreme value theory when dealing with several variables (such as weather or meteorological) is to find an appropriate method to assess their joint or conditional multivariate extremal dependence behaviour. Organisation chairperson Tshianeo Mathidi wants . Table 1: The situation has been further exacerbated by climate change and the increased demand for water in the region. In Limpopo, drought also drastically reduces gross margins . What are possible solutions to the drought in the Australian Outback? Limpopo Presentation. Rainfall is variable in the province, ranging from less than 400 to 800 mm annually (The Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery: DAFF 2015).Thus, there is competition for water between established users, which are the 2,915 commercial farmers, mines, municipalities and emerging farmers . It ca. The solution to this data shortage is to establish indices of drought impacts and use these for future events. 408000 km²) is strongly affected by droughts, which had severe impacts on agriculture, economy and food security in southern Africa, for example, in the early 1980s and 1990s (Love et al., 2010; The conclusion of this research report is that the research question has been answered. Drought indices quantify drought conditions through the integration of, for example, precipitation, rainfall, streamflow and snowpack data into a logical big picture. Drought can appear slowly and last for many years or it can be a short-lived event, although both can have significant impacts. There has been no rainfall as was expected in the months of September to December. Introduction 1. These problems are most severe where economies are least diversified and virtually everyone depends either directly or indirectly on agriculture. Hydrology Current Research Gebre and Getahun, Hydrol Current Res 2016, 7:3 DOI: 10.4172/2157-7587.1000249 Research Article Open Access Analysis of Climate Variability and Drought Frequency Events on Limpopo River Basin, South Africa Sintayehu Legesse Gebre1* and Yitea Sineshaw Getahun2 1Department of Natural Resources Management, Jimma University, PO Box 307, Jimma, Ethiopia 2Department of . GIBSONa School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences . Over the following four years, CPWF . The basin straddles four countries: Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The CAUSE of drought is a multi-pronged hypothesis. Figure 4 shows the basin in relation to major physical features of the subcontinent. In most cases, drought impacts are the outcome of the interaction of a number of social and other human factors that can heighten the "vulnerability" of communities and various exposure units (e.g., vegetation) and reduce "resilience" of society and ecosystems to the natural hazard (Dilley, 2000 . Mandleni and Anim also found a similar situation in the Eastern Cape during the drought period of 2005-2009. This can be achieved, for example, by providing probabilistic drought forecast information. Other Northern Sotho groups in the area include the Kgaga-Kone, Batlokwa, Kolobe, Hananwa, Babirwa, Nareng, Tlou, Pai, Phalaborwa and Hlaloga. Hlungwani (2001:1) alluded that migration as part of socio, economic - process, is influenced by the state policies. Farmers are facing a massive economic crisis and relief is being sent from other provinces. We also use water for many different things in our lives, like washing dishes, cooking, bathing, and swimming or river rafting. The politics of water in times of scarcity is not about counting ever-evaporating cubic metres of dam water, as important as . Limopo, South Africa (18 February 2020) - An amount of R143 million has been allocated by the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation for drought relief in Moutse, near Groblersdal, in Limpopo. Harvesting duration: Farmers indicated that they harvest the tree foliage when necessary, ranging from 3-12 months after planting. Polokwane - Farmers in Limpopo continue to live in fear they may lose more livestock as the persistent drought continues, with at least 5,000 animals having been killed, according to preliminary . In this era of climate change . drought, showing negative anomalies in the very circumscribed region of Western Cape, especially around and North of the capital. Answer (1 of 3): What is the hypothesis of drought? A representative sample of 300 farmers aged 16 to 65+ years was used. However, with the changes in climate . Thousands of livestock killed in Limpopo due to drought. In order to understand hydrological droughts and to cope with them properly, an appropriate drought indicator has to be selected and forecasted (Wetterhall et al.,2015;Win-semius et al.,2014). We need water to grow the food we eat. The full supply capacity of the weir is 16.245 million meters. Analysis: A drought of nature compounded by a drought in leadership. Hundreds of Limpopo chickens have already died in the country's worst drought in more than two decades as area farmers wait and watch the summer skies as crops wilt. 2. The solution to this data shortage is to establish indices of drought impacts and use these for future events. There are many human and natural system impacts that this force of nature costs that we should be aware of. Richard This financial year the department has already spent R5 million to assist both the veld fire and drought affected farmers within the province and is currently supplying livestock feed at a subsidised prices to assist both the veld fire affected farmers and the drought affected farmers for another R5 million in all the 25 municipalities. Hydrological drought is caused by the low availability of surface water, such as low water levels in dams, rivers, lakes and other reservoirs. In conclusion, it is worth the labour of building a raft to do this for the first time! Drought is a shortage of water associated with a lack of precipitation. Although not yet scientifically proven, it seems that over time the meteorological drought has become an agricultural, hydrological, and socio-economic drought. A representative sample of 300 farmers aged 18 - 60+ years also participated in the study. This natural phenomenon has been occurring all through the history of mankind and it has shaped many civilizations in the past. In the aftermath of record-breaking drought and faced with crippling water shortages, cities, companies and citizens are joining forces in California to protect supplies. The study was carried out in the Limpopo province of South Africa (see Figure 1), from September 2017 to February 2018. The prolonged absence of rain or the lack of natural sources of water can bring about a drought. In this study we extend a continental scale framework for drought forecasting in Africa that is currently under development (Barbosa et al., 2013), and apply this to the Limpopo basin in southern Africa, one of the most water-stressed basins in Africa. Meteorological drought, which is caused by less-than-average rainfall. "Over the past two months, I have lost more than 400 chickens because of the scorching heat," said Johanna Mulaudzi, a chicken farmer living near Thohoyandou in northern Limpopo. It has a population of approximately 5.4 million people with 55% being women (Stats SA 2016). Drought is the lack of rain, or evaporation in excess of precipitation. Desertification is defined by the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification as "land degradation in arid, semiarid and dry subhumid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities." Land degradation is in turn defined as the reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity of drylands. iii. Limpopo Province is situated in the Northern part of South Africa, bordering Zimbabwe and Mozambique. 6000 5000 In the less dry parts of Limpopo Province, most 4000 farmers produce maize which is considered as an 3000 easier crop to produce than sorghum (or millet). Drought expert dr Niko Wanders of Utrecht University's Department of Physical Geography blames this on the lack of rain caused by the strong El Niño of recent years. Therefore the current drought has had the most devastating impacts on the agriculture indus try because of the e ffects on the food produ ction chain. Mankweng Township has at its core, the University of Limpopo , Turfloop campus, which attracts graduates from all walks of life looking for better job opportunities. Thohoyandou - The worst drought since 1983 has struck north-eastern Limpopo, killing more than 2 000 cattle and threatening to push the price of red meat to unprecedented levels. Drought is a condition, not a hypothesis. Flocks of grazing animals have succumbed to the lack of food. This requires a significant amount of fossil fuels to produce heat. iii. South Africa has a long history of living with drought. However, in general, the highest proportion of farmers (48.4%) plant Moringa during spring and 38.7% plant the tree in summer. Water scarcity should 9000 push farmers towards growing drought resistant 8000 cereals yet maize remains the major cereal 7000 produced in the Limpopo Province. Limpopo Province. - 4, [2] p. ; 30 cm. Mankweng Township has at its core, the University of Limpopo , Turfloop campus, which attracts graduates from all walks of life looking for better job opportunities. 5 The Limpopo basin in southern Africa (ca. Their conclusion was that the MSDI is a powerful adjunct to the NDVI. • The way forward is well discussed. Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) in 1997, and has . Affected areas have had the lowest rainfall in 107 years. It can be due to cyclic changes in ocean temperature (El Niño/La Niña). Limpopo is the breadbasket and agricult ural. The projected financial losses to accrue from livestock production is conservatively calculated to be a value of R 6.4 billion, from lost productivity and lost income during the 3-year herd recovery period. The way forward is adequately discussed. The effect on Johannesburg's water supply will most probably be determined by the following factors: It occurs when a normal amount of moisture is unavailable to satisfy an area's usual water consumption. Drought is a major challenge in the Limpopo River basin, having an effect on and, affecting availability and distribution of water for agriculture, industry and other major water uses. It is apparent that observed water scarcity in South Africa is to a large extent attributable to physical causes. To do this, we built a special raft, more like a platform floating on plastic drums. Rainwater harvesting Vulnerable smallholder farming communities were affected. Agricultural drought is defined by a lack of soil water to support the growth of crops, caused by too little rainfall, whether it meets the requirement of a meteorological drought or not. Conclusion. However, the pressures on land - both anthropogenic and environment-induced - are leading to its degradation. Drought is a norm al recurring aspe ct of climate v ariability experienced globally par- 32 ticularly in the semi-arid subtropi cs. The American state of California, located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, is a thriving region known for culture, technology, and agriculture. HUTCHINSON, PETER The climatology of Namibia and its relevance to the drought situation / Peter Hutchinson, in: Coping with aridity : drought impacts and preparedness in Namibia - experiences from 1992/93 / ed. The Impact of Drought in the Northern Cape. Conclusion - droughts Droughts are a natural disaster that nobody can stop from coming, but we can prepare for the effects of this natural disaster to make it less difficult. The water level of the Karee Dam in the Northern Cape, which serves Calvinia, is currently at 16.3% - a clear indication of the severity of the drought in the Northern Cape. mention that livestock production is risky during years of drought when it can deliver negative gross margins. Drought, land degradation and desertification in Africa Note by the Secretariat I. Summary of CPWF Research in the Limpopo River Basin. AIM OF THE STUDY • The question on climate change and drought regularity is well constructed P1 P1 P2 P2 P3 P3 P4 P4 Tot Tot Conclusion 0 1 2-3 4-5 Educator Mark Moderator mark No conclusion The way forward is generally discussed but is very vague. It covers an area of 412 938 km 2. At least 12.9% of farmers plant the tree in autumn. The findings from this study will inform Limpopo_Climate_Change Response_Strategy_ 2016_2020_Final.docx 2 Acknowledgement The Limpopo Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism gratefully acknowledges all people and organizations who contributed to the development of this strategy. State of drought in Limpopo 3 Dec 2009 Limpopo is a drought prone province which faces challenges of drought from time to time especially after the winter season. Lambin and Strahler's (1994) study in west . cal drought in the Limpopo Basin using statistical meth-ods which could improve the preparedness and help mitigate drought disasters. A Drought is the most common and devastating of all environmental affecting the Limpopo basin, with impacts felt in economic, social and environmental terms (Leira et al 2002; FAO 2004). Cleaning sewage and using that as a water supply and harnessing underground water resevoirs are possible solutions. Data compiled by Thursday 7 January 2016 - 4:11pm. A drought during the early 1930s that coincided with the great depression made a deep impression on many policy makers. The study explored the impacts of climate change on water resources, and the community-based adaptation practices adopted to ensure water security in a rural community in Limpopo Province, South Africa.,The study was conducted in Limpopo Province, South Africa. If community is studied. In 2009, the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) set out to "improve governance and management of rainwater and small water infrastructure in the Limpopo basin to raise productivity, reduce poverty, and improve livelihoods resilience.". Adapting to the impacts of drought by smallholder farmers in Sekhukhune District in Limpopo Province, South Africa Smallholder farmers have been affected by drought impacts for several years. According to the later, the popular sources of information included radio (54.30% . 2. Government has declared the Free State a disaster area, with hundreds of farmers unable to plant crops . Concerning soil moisture, a situation of severe drought is detected from September Better dissemination of forecasts. An effective overall drought-response strategy. We need water to live, and animals and plants do too. The UN Climate Action summit gets underway in New York on Monday. The debilitating drought in the Eastern Cape has seriously impacted on poor rural villagers and seasonal farm workers. First, the water needs to be boiled, converted to steam and then condensed. A serious drought or a series of consecutive droughts can be a disaster-triggering agent that exacerbates social and economic problems, and reduces the overall livelihood security of a society. Variable and erratic rainfall means that the rainy season often does not start when expected and can be episodic, with an entire season's rainfall occurring in the space of a few days. Individuals at a disadvantage are largely those in the rural areas, meaning, in demographic terms, poor, African residents of Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo. Sekhukhune district is characterized by poor and unreliable rainfall, frequent droughts and periodic flooding most of the time. According to the Koppen climate classification, 33 South Africa's. The Limpopo basin in relation to major physical features of the group and under... The study a semi-rural area governed, before 1994, by the state policies of province. Natural system impacts that this force of nature costs that we should be aware of Eastern., with hundreds of farmers unable to plant crops also found a similar situation the... Is currently overflowing at 17.593 million cubic meters or 108.3 % drought, policy makers the 01-01-2018. Characterized by poor and unreliable rainfall, frequent droughts and periodic flooding most of the Greater Local! 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