The United Nations is sounding the alarm on increasing levels of e-waste, with 2019 producing a record 53.6 million tonnes of the stuff: an increase of 21 per cent in just the past five years. Of the MSW generated, approximately 69 million tons were recycled and 25 million tons were composted. But as months move fast, many are wondering if this year can get any worse. The EPA’s most recent e-waste report (summarized in the table on the previous page) shows that we got rid of (we trashed or recycled) 142,000 computers and over 416,000 mobile devices We generated over 3.4 million tons of e-waste in the U.S. in 2012 In 2012, we generated 3.412 million tons of e-waste in the U.S. Of In 2020, it is estimated at 67. Back in 2010, the e-waste recycling rate was just 10%. Of the 44.7 million metric tons of electronic waste (often shortened to “e-waste”) produced around the world in 2017, 90 percent was sent to landfill, incinerated, or illegally traded. Before we get into any hard numbers or data, here’s a quick refresher on E-waste Facts. Global electronic waste generation totaled more than 50 million metric tons in 2019 and is expected to increase by an estimated 20 million metric tons in the coming decade. E-Waste Globally The amount of worldwide e-waste generation is expected to exceed 50 million tons by 2020, with an annual growth between 4% and 5%. Global E-waste Monitor 2020. An estimated 37 percent of the world’s industrial waste come from commercial or industrial (C&I) operations in 2018. The United States was responsible for 6.918 Mt and Canada 0.757 Mt. Egypt produces 50k-60k tonnes of solid waste per day, totaling 22 mn tonnes annually, WMRA’s El Berri tells us. ; The first synthetic plastic — Bakelite — was produced in 1907, marking the beginning of the global … The value of the raw materials contained in the e-waste produced in the U.S. during 2019 was $7.49 billion. A record 53.6 million tonnes (Mt) of e-waste was produced globally in 2019 — the weight of 350 cruise ships the size of the Queen Mary 2; $57 billion in gold and other components discarded — mostly dumped or burned. The UK recycling rate for Waste from Households (WfH; including IBA metal) was 45.0% in 2018, decreasing from 45.5% in 2017. Electronics contain lead which can damage our central nervous system and kidneys. According to statistics compiled by the Australian government, Australians generate 540 kilograms of household waste each year.Nevertheless, only 37% of the waste generated in this country is recycled, which amounts to 67 million tonnes. The E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016 (effective from October 2016) mandated collection targets and transferred responsibilities to the producers – Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). According to a UN report, electronic waste (e-waste) is the fastest growing form of domestic waste globally, with around 50 million metric tonnes being produced in 2019 alone, of which only 20% was recycled. E-waste comprises 70% of our overall toxic waste. The UN's Global E-waste Monitor 2020 report reveals that just 17.4 per cent of 2019's 52.7 million ton e-waste total was officially documented as … It recycled only 15% of the material. The total generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2018 was 292.4 million tons (U.S. short tons, unless specified) or 4.9 pounds per person per day. The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 report found that the world dumped a record 53.6 million tonnes of e-waste — discarded products with a … The short answer: Waste management is an expensive process. If this reached 100%, it would generate an additional $12 billion. We recycle and recover 2 percent of UK packaging waste, the same as last year. People in the EU generated an average of 505 kilogrammes of waste in 2020, up nearly 10% since 1995. While e-waste recycling is a source of income for many people in India, it also poses numerous health and environmental risks. North Americans generated an average of 20.9 kg of e-waste per capita. The amount of e-waste generated last year was an estimated 6 million tonnes – larger than 350 megacruise ships or 125 kilometres long enough to form a 200-mile line. For the shorter period 2005-2020 landfilling has fallen by as much as 3.4 % per year on average. The e-waste produced annually is worth over … Only 20% of this is formally recycled. The excessive amount of lead in e-waste, if released into the environment, could cause severe damage to human blood and kidneys, as well as central and peripheral nervous systems. According to the World Economic Forum, in 2019 we (the whole world) produced almost 54 million tonnes of the stuff—a 21% increase since 2014. Why is electronic waste a growing problem? That's … Compared 2014, the time when the global statistics of E-waste are formally available, the global E-waste increased by 9.3 Mt. WASHINGTON, September 20, 2018—, according to the World Bank’s new What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 report. That’s right. Foreseen drop in 2020 sales-related e-waste : 4.9 million metric tonnes or ~6.4%; Pandemic intensified digital divide between high, middle Read More » … How Much Waste Does Australia Produce? e-Waste is consuming too much landfill space. E-waste increased 21 percent over five years, according to a new global report. That’s about the same weight as 19 Empire State Buildings. Tweet 48 % of municipal waste in the EU was recycled (material recycling and composting) in 2020. The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 provides the most comprehensive overview of the global e-waste challenge, explains how it fits into international efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals, and discusses how to create a sustainable society and circular economy. Denmark and Luxembourg created the most municipal rubbish. We generate about 50 million tons of it every year. e-waste legislation by country; Latest estimates (see The Global E-waste Monitor 2017) show that the world now discards approximately 50 million tonnes of e-waste per year — an amount greater in weight than all of the commercial airliners ever made — of which only about 20% is formally recycled. Of the staggering 50 million tonnes of e-waste produced globally each year, just 20% is recycled. These targets were relaxed in 2018. If you’re imagining towering piles of computers, phones, microwaves, etc., you’d be right. EPA measures the generation, recycling, composting, combustion with energy recovery and landfilling of plastic materials in municipal solid waste. According to ‘Global e-waste monitor 2020’, 53.6 million tonnes of electronic waste was generated worldwide in 2019, of which only 17.4% was recycled. Taiwan’s progress achieved in e-waste recycling reflects a documentary, which was jointly produced by the National Geographic Channel and the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). Currently, only about 12.5% of e-waste gets recycled, leaving millions of metric tons to founder in landfills around the country. What to Know About E-Waste Recycling in 2021. It grew with 1.8 Mt since 2014, but the total e-waste generation increased by 9.2 Mt. A record 53.6 million tonnes (Mt) of e-waste was produced globally in 2019 — the weight of 350 cruise ships the size of the Queen Mary 2; $57 billion in gold and other components discarded — mostly dumped or burned. E-waste represents 2% of America's trash in landfills, but it equals 70% of overall toxic waste. More than 95% of India's e-waste is illegally recycled by informal waste pickers called kabadiwalas or … With changing consumer behavior and rapid economic growth, ASSOCHAM estimates that India will generate 5.2 million tonnes of e-waste by 2020. While e-waste recycling is a source of income for many people in India, it also poses numerous health and environmental risks. The world produces as much as 50 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) a year, weighing more than all of the commercial airliners ever made. Not all e-waste recycling is the same. Report title National Waste Report 2020 Client Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Status Final Authors Joe Pickin, hristine Wardle, Kyle O’Farrell, Piya Nyunt, Sally Donovan The global e-waste leaderboard. Worldwide, waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 kilogram but ranges widely, from 0.11 to 4.54 kilograms. 7.3kg per capita was the global average. 505 kg of municipal waste per capita were generated in the EU in 2020. Only 12.5% of E-Waste is recycled. Up to 50-million metric tons of e-waste is generated each year. Only seven member states produced less per person in 2020 than in 1995. In 2019, the world generated a striking 53.6 Mt of e-waste, an average of 7.3 kg per capita. The Global E-Waste Monitor 2020 reported that e-waste (discarded products with a battery or plug such as computers and mobile phones) increased by 21 per cent in the five years to 2019 and predicted that by 2030, it will be almost double the 2014 figure, fuelled by higher consumption rates, shorter lifecycles and limited repair options. In 2019, the world generated 53.6 million metric tons (Mt), and only 17.4% of this was officially documented as properly collected and recycled. How much electronic waste is produced each year UK? E-Waste Recycling Facts and Figures. Electronic waste, commonly referred as e-waste, is one of the fastest growing segments in the municipal solid waste stream. Although nearly 100 percent of e-waste is recyclable, the current recycling rate of e-waste is not promising. As a result, the landfilling rate (landfilled waste as share of generated waste) in the EU dropped from 61 % … 1. Leon Spencer (ARN) 05 June, 2020 11:01. share; print email Comments. 85% of our E-Waste are sent to landfills and incinerators are mostly burned, and release harmful toxins in the air! An alarming percentage of the world’s e-wastes can be recycled properly: a record 48 billion units globally per year. There were 53 million tons of waste dumped in the world in 2020, according to Global E-waste Monitor 2020. In 2019, 5.8 million metric tons of e-waste was produced. Experts foresee a further 17 per cent increase — to 52.2 million metric tonnes of e-waste by 2021. By Justine Calma @justcalma Mar 26, 2020, 9:46am EDT. While this was down from 24.9kg in 2016, the UK still generated the second most e-waste per capita in the world, behind only Norway (26kg). In a 2020 survey of people between the ages of 18 and 38, 60% did not know what the term "e-waste" is, and 57% did not consider electronic waste to be "a significant contributor to toxic waste." 85% of our E-Waste are sent to landfills and incinerators are mostly burned, and release harmful toxins in the air! This accounts to 7.3 kg per capita. The Impact of … Untreated e-Waste may contain hazardous materials, which can adversely affect the environment. This put the onus on the brands to ensure that waste was brought back in. This is our main data entry on plastics, with a particular focus on its pollution of the environment. In 2012 (EPA data for more recent years are not yet available), only 29 percent of this was recycled—the rest is usually landfilled, incinerated or stuck in a closet. ️: A little bit over a month to go, and we have ourselves another Earth Day in 2020!And what better way to celebrate it than to talk about the state of the environment, right? Municipal waste generated 2005 and 2020 Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Turkia, Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2019 data. E-waste is the most rapidly growing waste problem in the world. Only 20% of this is formally recycled. As per Global E-waste Monitor- 2020 report, a total of 53.6 Million Metric Tonnes (Mt) of e-waste was generated globally in 2019. E-Waste Statistics in North America. Credit: Dreamstime . ⚡ What percent of e-waste is recycled? How Much Waste Is Produced In Australia Each Year 2020? We’ve talked before about E-waste, where it comes from and how companies are looking to alleviate the problem. According to a 2020 United Nations report, the world dumped 53.6 million tonnes of e-waste in 2019 alone. India is the world’s third biggest contributor – with 3.2 million tonnes of e-waste generated a year, after China and the US. It will only get worse with increasing speed. Did you know that globally last year, the total amount of electronic waste reached 53.6 million metric tonnes? How Much E-Waste Is Discarded Around The World? The COVID-19 pandemic is generating tons of medical waste. E-waste is the waste produced by all of the electrical and electronic goods we throw out. With such rapid advances in technology and endless new innovative products released every year, electronic waste will quickly become one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. The recycling rate for WfH decreased in all UK countries except Northern Ireland in 2018. A ccording to the body’s Global E-Waste Monitor Report, the UK generated 23.9kg of e-waste per capita in 2019. The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 says the amount of e-waste created on a global basis has increased by 21% over the last five years. Only 12.5% of E-Waste is recycled. According to the UN's Global E-waste Monitor 2020, 2.9 million waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) was generated in 2019 on the African continent. These Facts and Figures are current through calendar year 2018. January 2020 marks the beginning of a brand-new decade that many looked at with optimism and a new lease on life. [6] With electronic recycling options readily available in most states, the issue seems to be awareness, not availability. In saying this, for today’s blog, I would like to talk about the amount of waste Australia produces. There is an EU target for the UK to recycle at least 50% of household waste by 2020. The rapid growth of E-waste Global electronic waste generation reached a record high of 53.6 million metric tons in 2019. E-waste is a growing problem. People in northern Europe produced the most e-waste – 22.4kg per person in 2019. A real danger to both health and the environment, as Africa has a serious lack of policies and structures to manage and recycle WEEE. How Much E-Waste Is Produced A Year? The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 report found that the world dumped a record 53.6 million tonnes of e-waste last year — equivalent to the the weight of 350 cruise ships the size of the Queen Mary 2, or enough to form a line 125 kilometres long. In 2018, plastics generation was 35.7 million tons in the United States, which was 12.2 percent of MSW generation. Jul 2 2020 - A record 53.6 million metric tonnes (Mt) of electronic waste was generated worldwide in 2019, up 21 per cent in just five years, according to the UN’s Global E-waste Monitor 2020. However, the share of waste reaching landfill sites fell rapidly and recycling almost tripled. International Report: Global E-Waste Generation Hits Record High. That’s nearly 70% of the world’s toxic waste. Infographic showing e-waste recycling rates per EU country. E-waste comprises 70% of our overall toxic waste. AFRICA: e-waste output reaches alarming levels. In 2017, Croatia recycled 81% of all electronic and electrical waste, while in Malta, the figure was 21%. North America generated 7.7 Mt of e-waste in 2019. Electronics should be properly recycled. The world produces as much as 50 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) a year, weighing more than all of the commercial airliners ever made. Accordingly, how much waste is produced every year? Every year, between 20 miliion and 50 million metric tons of electronic waste are disposed around the world. This indicates that the recycling activities are not keeping pace with the global growth of e-waste. Of … The National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore has … Today, only about 20% of all e-waste produced is officially recycled. But a circular approach, as outlined in a new report, could turn the world's e-waste mountain from a problem into a huge opportunity. With changing consumer behavior and rapid economic growth, ASSOCHAM estimates that India will generate 5.2 million tonnes of e-waste by 2020. (Anadolu photo) GENEVA – The world produced a record 53.6 million tons of electronic waste in 2019, the weight of 350 big cruise ships, a UN report said on Thursday.. In 2019, 53.6 million tonnes of E-waste was produced. Retailers are reducing the amount of electronic and hazardous waste produced by their stores. The global generation of e-waste grew by 9.2 Mt since 2014 and is projected to grow to 74.7 Mt by 2030 – almost doubling in only 16 years. Electronic waste, or e-Waste, is the fastest growing waste stream in the country. 15% of e-waste was properly documented as collected and recycled in 2019. The E-Waste Problem: A Case Study of Apple. The world generated a record 53.6 million metric tons (Mt) of old electronic equipment in 2019 alone, it says, and is on track to throw out another 81 tons by 2030. According to a 2020 report by the Central Pollution Control Board, India generated 1,014,961 tonnes of e-waste in FY 2019-2020 – up 32% from FY 2018-2019. According to UNU, e-waste across the 12 countries analysed equated to 12.3 million tonnes, with developed economies producing the highest average quantity of e-waste per capita. Trends in Solid Waste Management. • Only 6.5 million tons of total global e-waste generation in 2014 was treated by national electronic take-back systems. The amount was half as much in eastern Europe. [2] 20 to 50 million metric tons of e-waste are disposed worldwide every year. ; A slide-deck summary of global plastics is available here. Major recycling of e-waste is carried out in the non-formal sector using primitive and hazardous methods. In some places the amount of e-waste increases with 500 % in the years to come. India collected just 10 per cent of the electronic waste (e-waste) estimated to have been generated in the country 2018-19 and 3.5 per cent of that in the generated in 2017-18, said a recent report by the Central Pollution Control Board.. India generated 708,445 tonne e-waste in 2017-18 and 771,215 tonne the following fiscal, the report estimated. Waste Statistics in Australia 2020: Why We Should Act Now. The e-waste produced annually is worth over $62.5 billion, more than the GDP of most countries. A shocking 52.7 million tons (53.6 million metric tonnes) of electronic waste was generated worldwide in 2019 – less than a fifth of which was recycled, according to UN report. Electronic waste, also known as e-waste, consists of discarded phones, printers, TVs, electric toothbrushes and many other electronic goods no longer in use. Since its debut in October last year, the film has been shown in more than 40 countries, Taiwan Today reported. About 6.9 million metric tons of e-waste was produced in the U.S. alone in 2019. The U.S., the second largest producer of e-waste after China, produced 10 million tons of e-waste in 2012, over 64 pounds per person. An “Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan” – a collaboration of Kenyan government with the United Nations Environment Program – was designed to raise the collection rate to 64.6 percent by 2020 and to 100 percent by 2030, while the waste reduction rate should increase to 7.5 percent by 2020 and to ten percent by 2030. 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