The Queen of Swords sits high on her throne, a stern look on her face as she gazes off into the distance. ... Tarot card: Ten of Swords. The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. Leo. Blog Future Love Tarot Spread Example 1. This is my opinion. The Fool. Scent: Watermelon, geranium and bergamot. Pin It. Wands. The Queen on this card sits on the throne. The Queen of Swords, for example, is one of the yes cards in the Minor Arcana. As for deciding, yourself, whether the Queen/Swords should be Libra or Aquarius, IMHO, so long as there is consistency (all sword court cards are air signs, all knights … A Queen card can represent a feminine person (often a matriarchal figure and/or authority figure) who must balance home life and work life. Queen of Swords Zodiac Sign. This person is intelligent and honest, and a quick thinker. Also, keep your eyes on the long-term goals and dreams to ensure you remain on track all the time. Air signs are all about intelligence, communication, and balance. This air sign is ruled by the Planet Venus and is linked to the tarot's Justice card. Tuesday: Queens are of the water element, they are caring, experienced and mature. Archangel: Raphael (Ruler of the Element of Air) and Jophiel (angel of Libra) Gemstone: Green calcite, jade and watermelon tourmaline. Blog Future Love Tarot Spread Example 3. Swords are associated with Air and the air signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. If you see this card in a reading, it is time to accept the help and support from the woman that loves you. If not a person, she can point to the need for you to be forceful and honest in some situation to get your needs met. Three of Pentacles. The Queen of Swords is linked to both the zodiac signs Virgo and Libra. Libra - Justice, The Empress, Queen Of Swords. The Chariot (VII) Queen of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan. For the Queen of Swords the gift she offers is clarity of judgment and … It can be a sign that you have the flexibility of making decisions without relying on your emotions or you can be easily influence by emotions. The associated zodiac sign to this card is Taurus, which is the sign that represents security and the need for structure. ... Zodiac Signs. Page of Swords. Divinatory meanings of the Queen of Swords. What does the Ace of Swords mean in a love reading? What sign is the Queen of Wands? She is independent, strong-minded, and should never try too hard to compromise or rely on others when she can do certain things on her own. The Queen of Swords (Royal Arcana) blends the emotional clarity and analytical strength of the Swords suit with the maturity and receptivity of the Queen. Queen of Swords Shutterstock. The Tarot card the Queen of Swords is the associated card for Libra to indicate the shared connection of the air elemental group. Page of Wands; Page of Cups; Page of Swords; Page of Pentacles; 40 Minor Arcana. Knowing the astrological associations can be incredibly useful for numerous reasons. A person with deep feelings. ... Tarot card: Queen of Swords, reversed. She is very forthright, clear, and straightforward, and expects the same thing from others. Articles. Correspondences for the Queen of Swords. Card: Reversed, Ten of Swords. In short, there's no reason a Virgo or a Pisces or a Leo can't have the Queen/Swords as a signifier even if, in other readings for other people, the Queen/Swords is identified as a Libra. 28 Preponderance of the … She is wearing a white gown (symbolizing purity) with red tassels on her sleeves (symbolizing passion). Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning. The Rider-Waite tarot deck is beyond comprehensive, as each little detail of the cards holds weight and meaning in the way in which each card ought to be deciphered. Queen of Swords: Virgo/Libra. It’s Aquarius season, and the Tarot Style card is the stately and truth-seeking Queen of Swords. The Eight of Swords tarot card suggests that you’ve overcome a difficult challenge which has kept you from getting on with your life. However, this card can also indicate that you may be suppressing some pain or sadness from past events. ... Tarot card: Ten of Swords. The zodiac sign of Gemini is ruled by The Lovers card. Suddenly, there’s an opportunity for the training necessary to get out of that dead-end job that has only kept you in debt. I was looking for patterns to help keep me safe in what was an incredibly turbulent and often abusive home environment. Affirmation: My life is rich with color and beauty. The Queen of Swords in Love and Relationships Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings – Upright Overview: The Queen of Swords is perceptive and undistracted by such petty concerns as emotion. Swords are of the air and are about truth and justice. The Ace of Swords is air in its purest form, associated with the three air zodiac signs, and the Ace of Pentacles is the root of the earth, and is the core of its three signs. Your one card tarot reading for each zodiac sign is here for Monday, February 28, 2022, with a prediction using numerology and astrology. Blog How Accurate Are Tarot Cards. Planet: Venus. Instead, it is a time to be honest about what we want. Gemini. This gives us 12 zodiac correspondences, 7 planetary correspondences and The Fool is left out of the sequence as it is the card that journeys through all of them. Her personality is a combination of the positive fire energy of all the Wands suit, and the inward focus of a Queen. Three of Pentacles. The Queen of Swords Tarot card shows a severe, determined, and powerful woman who does not beat around the bushes. advertisement. Finding Her Majesty in a Tarot reading tells us that this is not the time for lies or deceit. June 13 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility: Swords are the suit of communication. Artistic, beautiful, and hospitable to all styles of ideas, the Queen of Swords could be a tough lady with a robust mind. Pin It. There is a nice balance between the two as the air energy lacks emotion while that is what the water element represents. However, she is often considered to mean an older Libra woman, when this card pops up in a reading. A woman who has experienced grief and withdrawn into herself. Your Horoscope for the Week of August 22. The card will answer how your love interest feels or thinks about you during this month. Though this tarot card signifies inevitable ends, yet you must not worry, Geminis, as you shall still dodge a bullet. Virgo: The Hermit. In the Rider Waite deck, the card shows a queen sitting on an ornate throne looking off into a distance. The Queen of Swords is a sharp-witted and efficient young woman, who refuses to limit herself to the position of a companion or be defined by the men around her instead of her own accomplishments. Gemini. In divination, the suit of Swords is associated with masculinity and intellect, but also sorrow and misfortune. The Queen of Swords is symbolic of an Air sign. The astrological associations behind both the major and minor arcana are also remarkably significant. ... queens, ruled by water, usually are gifted with inner knowledge and empathy. Introduction: The Queen of Swords can point to a woman in the querent’s life.This is a woman who is not to be trifled with. Assistant. Upright Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning. Leo: Strength. The Queen of Swords has a message for us all. Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, By Zodiac Sign. Ten of the seventy-eight tarot cards are most associated with and represent the zodiac sign, Aquarius. Her head is above the clouds. King of Wands is Leo. The queen of wands meaning implies that it would be wise to seek ways to improve your determination. Queen of Swords (Upright) As a Person : Queen of Swords (Reversed) As a Person : One of the parents who is at a distance at the moment and does not take part in your life. Etteilla and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers equated Swords to the suit of Spades in the French pack. I Ching Hexagram. The Queen of Swords tarot card is mostly connected to zodiac sign Libra. She is a woman who cannot be check your free online horoscope. Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology. Knight of Wands; Knight of Cups; Knight of Swords; Knight of Pentacles; Pages. Queen of Swords. The Queen of Swords is a sharp, reliable, independent, unbiased, and knowledgeable woman who takes logical actions without suppressing her emotions. Taurus What does the King of Pentacles mean in a love reading? Her personality is a combination of the positive air energy of the Swords suit and the inward focus of a Queen. July 23, 2021. Blog Future Love Tarot Spread Example 2. She has her sword raised, and her other hand outstretched. Queen of Swords is Gemini. The zodiac sign Cancer is matched to The Chariot tarot card indicating movement in the form of growth, change is indicated by this card and for the sign of Cancer, the Chariot reflects the signs ability to use intuition to move to a higher emotional perspective. Get your detailed Queen of Swords Tarot card meaning, including reversed and upright from our tarot experts at California Psychics. The Queen of Swords admires honesty, is committed to truth, and tells you exactly as it is. What zodiac sign is the Queen of Swords? Queen of Wands Card Meaning. Both Queen of Swords and Libra are known for their independence, determination and promising potential. Virgo & Libra Three of Pentacles in the tarot reading with regards to love and emotions is another white flag. Suit of Swords - Air. Pin It. Social worker. Gemini: The Lovers. The card will answer how your love interest feels or thinks about you during this month. An understanding, caring woman, ready … Libra: Justice. Get your detailed Queen of Swords Tarot card meaning, including reversed and upright from our tarot experts at California Psychics. They see a bigger picture of the situation and take decisions from the mind rather than the heart. Or perhaps they’re trying to hide something, being deceptive. The Queen of Swords, for example, is one of the yes cards in the Minor Arcana. ... Zodiac Signs. She faces towards the future, with her left hand raised as though to get, and in her correct hand, she holds a sword up high and straight, addressing her craving to discover reality in all issues. So if anyone comes up to her that may have a tinge of ridiculousness in what they are telling her. Six of Swords. When appearing in a past position, the Queen of Swords suggests that you have come to where you are through logic and intellect. “Queen of Swords” is an ancient and wise female stereotype in the Upright sense. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs With A Rough Horoscope The Week Of April 3 - 9, 2022 Learn what your zodiac sign's daily tarot card reading has in store for you on Wednesday, April 06, 2022. Combined with the element of earth, the queen of pentacles is both talented and generous in business matters, and creates a warm and nurturing home. Seven of Swords. Pin It. Pin It. Dear Virgo, Following is the tarot card drawn for Virgo Love Tarot for April 2022. The Queen of Swords is a sharp, reliable, independent, unbiased, and knowledgeable woman who takes logical actions without suppressing her emotions. Memorising all of these correspondences in detail can be quite a mouthful. She embodies love and can be depended on in any time of need. ... Tarot card: Queen of Swords, reversed. Dear Virgo, Following is the tarot card drawn for Virgo Love Tarot for April 2022. Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Queen of Swords Powers of metals and stones Elemental and Astrological Attributions Element. Sandles = the winged sandals of Mercury, the planet exalted in Aquarius (air sign = the mind) QUEEN OF SWORDS MEANING. When the Queen of Swords appears in your daily reading, you are being sent a message about an older woman, likely a Libra, that will have an appearance in your life. Artistic, beautiful and open to all sorts of ideas, the Queen of Swords is a tough lady with a strong mind. This week I pulled a court card, the Queen of Swords. The Queen of Swords admires honesty, is committed to truth, and tells you exactly as it is. The Queen of Wands in Tarot stands for being attractive, wholehearted, energetic, cheerful, and self-assured. Your one card tarot reading for each zodiac sign is here for Saturday, March 5, 2022, with a prediction using numerology and astrology. Queen of Swords Card: Standing in Your Truth and Fashionably So! Your Birthday Tarot Card is Death. It reaches above the back of her throne, signifying her earthly position, and the receding storm clouds, the drama and clamor of the world. UPRIGHT: Independent, unbiased judgement, clear boundaries, direct communication REVERSED: Overly-emotional, easily influenced, bitchy, cold-hearted Queen of Swords Description. What's in store for your zodiac sign on Monday, April 11, 2022? Good listener. The Queen is focused on what’s truly important, the clear blue sky above her in the Queen of Swords tarot card. Virgo What zodiac sign is the Hierophant? Swords are associated with Air and the air signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Queen of Swords Meaning – Love & Relationships (Reversed) When the Queen of Swords appears reversed in a relationship reading, things may seem good on the surface. As such, this card is naturally associated with the first astrological sign to represent the Air signs: Gemini. The Queen of Swords is an analytical, independent problem-solver. ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 19. These are her greatest benefit, but also a weakness in that she sometimes lack … Thursday's tarot card reading for March 31, 2022, is here with predictions for each zodiac sign. Like you have this certain quality and now is the time to expand on it. Cancer: The Chariot. This benefits her in that her judgment is impartial, free of sentimentality. The Queen of Swords also represents a rational matter that is close to coming full circle … The Queen of Swords can also signify a potential romantic partner. Libra also represents Yoke, a Greek word, used to harness horses and oxen. 77. Wands are associated with Fire and the fire signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. 0. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. Queen of Pentacles is Taurus. Queen of Wands; Queen of Cups; Queen of Swords; Queen of Pentacles; Knights. Being a Minor Arcana card, she does not refer to a specific zodiac sign. Pin It. The Queen of Swords, like Aquarius, is ruled by the element of air , here representing the realm of … - I associate Queens with the first four zodiac signs (personal signs) Queen of Wands is Aries. The Queen of Swords in Tarot stands for honesty, astuteness, forthrightness, wittiness, and experience. Scorpio Tarot Cards: Death and The Queen of Cups Knowing someone’s Zodiac sign made my chaotic childhood a little bit easier to predict. Her crown is made of a circle of golden butterflies, and winged angels and still more butterflies adorn her throne. Nurse. Queen of Swords in an Upright Position. Or you have found the courage to leave an abusive relationship. King of Swords. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun sign. The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. What tarot cards represent the zodiac signs? PSA: The Second Full Moon in Aquarius Is Here. The total vision of astrology and tarot merged with energy points and signs comes together when we look at the signs of the Zodiac through the lens of the Court cards and each individual Major Arcana, we can also connect the cards in the following way: Air. People can fool you, Virgo. Her personality is a combination of the positive air energy of the Swords suit and the inward focus of a Queen. Queen of Swords – Upright. The tarot card embraces the importance of our sincerity and physiological makeup to ignite self-esteem and, more importantly, self-love. Associated with intellect, thoughts and ideas. This person is most likely older, feminine, and an Air sign. The Queen of Swords will never put up with other people’s BS. The sun enters Libra on September 22. ... 3 Queen Of Swords - Virgo. Knight of Wands — 3rd decan. A devoted wife and mother. Bow down to the Queen! It could be you as well! The Queen of Swords in Tarot stands for honesty, astuteness, forthrightness, wittiness, and experience. What zodiac sign is the high priestess? Blog How To Store Your Tarot Cards. Queen of Swords is ruled by Air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. Ace of Wands – “The Root of the Powers of Fire”; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; The Fire Signs of the Zodiac Basic correspondences In Tarot Cards and Zodiac Signs What tarot cards represent which astrological sign? Even her clothing has a unique airy quality to it. She is the queen of air, high above all others and no one is able to deceive her. The Queen of Wands is always attractive and good-looking. The Queen of Swords tarot card meaning is all about the mind, beliefs, ideas, and expectations. Her personality is a combination of the positive fire energy of all the Wands suit, and the inward focus of a Queen. The numerology of the day brings attention to … The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups. The Hierophant is all about being traditional and seeking knowledge from others in the community instead of being creative. Pin It. Queen of Wands Card Meaning. Someone who only understands their own feelings. Furthermore, aces correspond to zodiac sign types, such as the Ace of Wands for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; the Ace of Cups for water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; the Ace of Swords for air signs such as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; and the Ace of Pentacles for earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. She may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. Upright Queen of Swords Meaning. (I don't give zodiac signs to Knights and Pages.) The Queen of Wands in Tarot stands for being attractive, wholehearted, energetic, cheerful, and self-assured. Change is indicated by this card, and for the sign of Cancer, the Chariot reflects the signs ability to use intuition to move to a higher emotional perspective. What's in store for your zodiac sign on Monday, April 11, 2022? Sh e has to watch that her actions are pure and for the highest good otherwise she can be damaging in her actions. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card sits on a stone seat enhanced with an angel, addressing the Queen’s gentler side, and butterflies addressing change. The Queen of Swords is linked to both the zodiac signs Virgo and Libra. Ace of Swords. Take a look at your tarot card: If it has one of those suits, like the Ace of Pentacles or the Five of Swords or the Queen of Wands, it's part of … The Star. They are both very sharp, intuitive and deep thinkers who can easily make decisions by themselves without relying on others too much. As such, the Queen of Swords is a rather difficult card to encounter in a love-based tarot spread or reading. The zodiac sign Cancer is matched to The Chariot Tarot card, indicating movement in the form of growth. This sign represents balance as well as yoke. For this reason, artist Pamela Colman Smith gave the Queen of Swords a lot of air-related imagery. Ten of Swords — 3rd decan of Gemini (June 11-20) Cancer Tarot Cards. This card emphasises the significance of making choices based on … The Queen of Swords’ head is crowned with butterflies, symbols of transformation. ... Queen of Wands, reversed. The element of air has been associated with the suit. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. What Zodiac Sign is the King of Swords The King of Swords is the first card in the elemental group of air. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. When appearing in a past position, the Queen of Swords suggests that you have come to where you are through logic and intellect. Taking it a step further, you can break down each zodiac sign into 3 sections, called decans. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed. She is stoic and astute but gives nothing away as a positive or negative outcome. Maybe is the only answer. Queen of Swords: Virgo/Libra. ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 19. The zodiac sign of Libra is represented by the Queen of Swords in the tarot deck. This card symbolizes the end or termination of current ideas and the transition into new goals. Often she will have dark hair and/or eyes. June 13 Birthday Tarot Card. The Queen of Swords stands for an older female in your life who is protective of the seeker. The Princess of Swords can be an intimidating person who says what she thinks regardless of the consequences ! An artistic, emotional, caring woman with a good imagination and visualization ability. What sign is queen of swords? ... Queen of Wands, reversed. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. Indicates decisive ability. The Zodiac Decans. As a person, the Queen of Swords represents a mature female or feminine person who is chatty, quirky, forthright and supportive. Zodiac Sign. It is super duper impactful … What signs are swords? King of Swords; King of Pentacles; Queens. Question: What Does the Queen of Swords Mean in a Past Position? Two of Cups — 1st decan of Cancer (June 21-30) Three of Cups — 2nd decan of Cancer (July 1-11) Four of Cups — 3rd decan of Cancer (July 12-21) Leo Tarot Cards. Ten of Swords reversed holds the power to influence matters regarding health. This is the Queen and in the tarot, Queens are known to be about expansion. Zodiac Sign: Libra; The suit of Swords is associated with the element of Air. An educated, witty woman with an analytical mind. Three of Pentacles in the tarot reading with regards to love and emotions is another white flag. Pin It. You shall be at risk during the entire month. What are swords in Tarot? The air signs of the zodiac are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; they correspond with the suite of Swords in the Tarot, which is also the suite of Spades in a deck of regular playing cards. Capricorn: The Devil. This card points to a person who is discerning and who offers … Every zodiac sign is ruled by a Tarot card from the Major Arcana! Libra. They’ll be funny, quick-witted, and very bright. The Queen of Swords sits on a stone throne decorated with a cherub, representing the Queen’s softer side, and butterflies representing transformation. Queen of Cups (Upright) As a Person : Queen of Cups (Reversed) As a Person : Someone’s mother. The Queen of Swords stands for virtue and stability that ensures sanctity on the Virgo side of Mercury. Try to be consistent in what you do, be focused, and you will achieve exemplary success. She brings with her mental clarity or an end to something troubling in your life but not without a painful loss or separation. Upright Queen of Swords Meaning. A widow. Water of Air. Queen of Cups is Cancer.-I associate Kings with the middle four zodiac signs (interpersonal signs). Calm, balanced and collected personality. The bird soaring in these heights represents spiritual … Someone who has experienced loss or hardship. Therefore it is no big surprise that it is backed up by the zodiac sign of Libra and that this card is also linked to the … People can fool you, Virgo. The Queen of Wands is always attractive and good-looking. Knight of Swords – “Lord of the Winds and the Breezes”; Air of Air; Queen of Swords – “Queen of the Thrones of Air”; Water of Air; King of Swords – “King of the Spirits of Air”; Fire of Air; The Suit of Wands. Tarot Card: Queen of Swords. Queen of Swords Meaning. Taurus: The Hierophant. Scorpio: Death. Zodiac Sign: Libra (first two decans) and Virgo (final decan) Element: Water of Air. Defining: Mature Emotions, Self-Sufficiency, Diversity. Question: What Does the Queen of Swords Mean in a Past Position? What signs are swords? Though she holds a sword pointed at the sky, her left hand extends as though offering a gift. Before I even picked up my first Tarot deck at age 15, I knew the Zodiac sign of everyone around me. Daily, weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs. She is the antithesis of the typical feminine principle, seemingly devoid of emotion. The Twins Is The Symbol For The Gemini Zodiac Sign. She has the kingdom’s most aggressive temperament, but she can also be sensitive and emotional. When the Queen of Swords shows up in a reading, you might want to check in on how you make decisions. Also Read: 5 Myths About Taurus Zodiac Sign. She likely lives alone, or is alone, as she focuses more on the practical matters of life than the emotional ones. The Queen of Swords is strong, understanding, empathetic, and willing to take others under her wing. Separation The Queen of Swords can point to a woman in your life. Queen of Swords Keywords. A stern look on her sleeves ( symbolizing passion ) on in any time need! Card to encounter in a love reading deck, the Queen of Swords Tarot from! '' https: // '' > Zodiac sign into 3 sections, called decans brings with her mental or! Forum < /a > Every Zodiac sign not refer to a specific sign. Answer how your love interest feels or thinks about you during this month are associated fire., communication, and self-assured: // '' > Queen of Wands ; Knight of Swords high... A severe, determined, and self-assured throne, a stern look on sleeves. What Tarot cards represents Aquarius honesty, is committed to truth, and a quick thinker down Zodiac... 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