
>>> 10.04.2014 achieves its first injection of funds for the amount of 305,000 euros

Keeping them at a distance jabs, 2013,
painting, 80 x 90 x 5 cm
MD Gallery © Artsper

Dos caminantes sobre rojo, 2012,
Eva Navarro
painting, 40 x 40 x 5 cm
Galerie Envie d'Art, © Artsper

Founded in 2013 by 26 years-old Hugo Mulliez, and 24 years-old François-Xavier Trancart, Artsper has just achieved its first injection of funds for the amount of 305,000 euros. The investors are business angels who offer their specific expertise from the domains of e-commerce, communication, events and art.

This first round of funds will be close to matched by a government scheme available in three weeks. Artsper can therefore rely on solid financial support to develop its original offer making this start-up one of the most credible of the online art marketplace. The start-up has gained the trust of its investors and displayed its strong potential for growth in the online art market.

Hugo Mulliez, co-founder of the website Artsper : ‘‘Funds raised will enable us to ramp up the development of Artsper on an international level and establish ourselves as a major player in the art market. The priority will be to invest in technical development in order to offer our users an even more efficient platform with increased functionality and give our galleries better visibility.

The internationalization of the site will be increased through partnerships with galleries throughout Europe and a massive investment in marketing and communication to reach an ever wider audience. Eventually, we want to extend our promotion of corporate sponsorship and assist companies in building internal collections.’’



The top website selling art selected by partner galleries

Artsper is a major player in the digital boom of the art market, reducing the distance and the barriers between art-lovers and quality art.

A selection committee with members of various and complimentary profiles accompanies them. Steve Rosenblum, founder of and contemporary art collector and Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, former Minister of Culture and Communication are part of this committee.

Artsper sells art online selected by its partner galleries. Artsper guarantees art-lovers and collectors a double standard of quality: its own and that of its partner galleries.

Launched in January 2013, Artsper has joined with 200 partner galleries to offer 300 artworks for sale online representing 700 selected artists to amateurs and individual collectors. Alongside this it works with corporate collectors offering advice on the fiscal benefits surrounding art ownership.

The website offers exposure to galleries: 24/7, access from anywhere in the world and guarantees the shipping and delivery of the artworks.

Artsper advises companies and individuals in their choice and mode of acquisition (sponsorship, direct payment, leasing). Thereby developing their own collection, involving the guaranteed enhancement of their artistic and cultural estate.


Keeping them at a distance jabs, 2013,
painting, 80 x 90 x 5 cm
MD Gallery © Artsper

Dos caminantes sobre rojo, 2012,
Eva Navarro
painting, 40 x 40 x 5 cm
Galerie Envie d'Art, © Artsper
