Our Success Stories

From functional sculpture to "Collectible design", the successes of Carpenters Workshop Gallery

Our mission

Founded in London in 2006 by Julien Lombrail and Loïc Le Gaillard, Carpenters Workshop Gallery produces and exhibits functional sculptures by artists and designers going beyond their traditional fields of expression.

The mission entrusted to Communic’Art since 2014 is to go beyond the frontiers between Art and Design, and position the gallery as a pioneer in France and abroad.  

Working on specific messaging and a precise definition of the gallery’s objectives, Communic’Art designed a strategy placing CWG at the heart of the emerging market we call Collectible Design.

For the gallery’s 10th anniversary in 2016, Communic’Art ensured media coverage for the opening of the 8,000 m2 workshop in Roissy, dedicated to research and development, a sign of the gallery’s support for the creation of major works.

Communic’Art’s expertise in crisis communication, such as during the installation of the monumental Domestikator sculpture, which was rejected by the Louvre and installed on the forecourt of the Pompidou Centre for the FIAC 2017, was a major milstone in our mission for the gallery.



Thanks to unprecedented media coverage in terms of quantity and quality, and a carefully constructed editorial and digital line, Carpenters Workshop Gallery is today known worldwide as the reference point for Collectible design.

Our communications operations around major events such as the opening of new galleries in New York (2015) and in London (2016), the Studio Job retrospective at the New York MAD House (2016), the opening of the Roissy Workshop with 8,000 VIPs (2016), the Robert Stadler exhibition at the Noguchi Museum in New York (2017), the Maarten Baas exhibition at the Groninger Museum in the Netherlands (2017), and the installation of the Domestikator on the forecourt of the Pompidou Centre in October 2017 increased the gallery’s visibility through spectacular events, affirming its position as an innovative gallery in the field of contemporary art.


The international press campaign for the Beirut Museum of Civilisations by Galal Mahmoud Architects

Our mission

Galal Mahmoud Architects entrusted Communic’Art with a mission of consultancy in communications and press relations for its “Museum of Civilisations” project in Beirut.

The GM Architects firm, which is an expert in luxury tourism and specialises in the creation of top-end hotels and resorts is one of the biggest architecture firms in Lebanon.

The Museum of Civilisations project, designed by Galal Mahmoud, was presented at the Venice Biennale in 2014. 

The museum was planned to be located in the heart of Beirut, showing visitors a site excavated into the strata of the civilisations that lie beneath the current city of Beirut.

This is an unusual, deeply humanist museum project, simultaneously an archaeological site and a place for both exhibitions and mediation, giving an overview of the cultural wealth of Lebanon.



This project, which is still in the planning stage, has benefitted from extensive international media coverage through the staging of its strong proposal at international level, proof of the expertise, experience and vision of Galal Mahmoud Architects.

Communic’Art obtained exceptional international coverage for this project, both in the printed press, on the web and on TV and radio.

The Museum of Civilisations caught the imagination of the industry and has now received 4 awards, including that of "future project of the year" at the World Architecture Festival in Singapore.

It has increased the reputation of GM Architects and enhanced the firm’s image.

GM Architects is now the only architecture firm in the Middle East referenced by Accor, Rotana, Starwood, Jumeirah and Rezidor for the quality of its services and relevance of the choices it makes.


Making a success of the press campaign of the first "Greater Paris Photo Month" leading to the doubling of public attendance

Our mission

Le Mois de la Photo du Grand Paris (Greater Paris Photo Month), the essential new photography event in Paris, organised by François Hébel, entrusted Communic’Art with a press relations mission for the launch of its latest edition in 2017.

La Mois de la Photo had reached an historic turning point, by extending to Greater Paris. This was a major project aimed at creating a flow of exchanges from either side of the Paris “périphérique” which is a road which between the city and the suburbs, built in the sixties, which has always acted as a psychological barrier as well as geographical.

96 original exhibitions, spread over 32 towns and organised by art centres, galleries and heritage sites, offered an international panorama of reputed and lesser known artists, with the presence of contemporary French photographers in numbers never seen previously.

We had to do things big …



Communic’Art carried out a powerful press relations campaign, targeting the specialised photography press and the mainstream media. Le Mois de la Photo du Grand Paris enjoyed extensive media coverage and was given an enthusiastic welcome by numerous national and international journalists.

The results obtained boosted this major event within the Paris area, making it an essential event, open to all.

This targeted press campaign reached art enthusiasts as well as professionals, the merely curious to true experts, reflecting the DNA of the Mois de la Photo: an event open to all, retracing historic and major events in the photography movement.


Custot Gallery Dubai from inauguration to annual programming, hugely successful international and local press relations

Our mission

After Paris and London, Stéphane Custot was one of the first art dealers to decide to establish a gallery in Dubai, and in March 2016, contributing to the cultural boom of the city – Custot Gallery Dubai opened.

Located half way between Asia and Europe, Dubai acts as a real hub for art, advocating initiative and the emergence of new forms of art.

A pioneer, Stéphane Custot entrusted Communic’Art  with a mission of consultancy in press relations and international e-reputation.

To ensure that Custot Gallery Dubai, right from opening, had the right expression of its positioning and the guarantee of an expanding reputation, Communic’Art built up a relevant and innovative communication strategy, based on in-depth messaging development. The agency was able to create privileged and lasting links with the local and international press for Custot Gallery Dubai.



Combining international media coverage with a cutting edge editorial and digital line, in just two years Custot Gallery Dubai has become one of the best-known galleries in the Middle East.

Every exhibition is accompanied by a specific communication strategy to increase the gallery’s reputation, supporting its ambition to encourage the Middle Eastern public to discover and becomes aware of Western art.

Established in the arts district of Alserkal Avenue, a unique area that in just a few years has become one of the most influential quarters of Dubai, the gallery benefits from a visitorship of art lovers, both passing through and locally based, thereby developing a new networks of collectors and media relations. A  real success story!


Victorious crisis management by Communic'Art turning around an unjust scandal surrounding the Domestikator

Our mission

For FIAC 2017, the Domestikator, a 12-metre high architectural work by the Dutch artist “Atelier Van Lieshout,” was planned to be part of the Hors les Murs section in the Tuileries Garden.

A living space, a manufacturing workshop, the artist Joep Van Lieshout designed the “Domestikator” as a total work of art, surpassing the frontiers between art, design and architecture. 

But its sexually explicit representation was considered disturbing and the work was rejected by the Louvre museum just a few days before being installed.

Communic’Art then began a crisis communication operation, in favour of the piece being installed in another location.

150 press articles denounced censorship of the Domestikator and the announcement of its installation by Bernard Blistène at the alternative venue of the Beaubourg forecourt again resulted in 150 positive articles, making the work a symbol of freedom of expression in the public space.

On the final day of the installation, the climax was the SPA (animal protection charity) sending a communiqué to the French President protesting against such an intolerable infringement of animal rights. 



Communication management by Communic’Art meant that the Domestikator, artist Joep Van Lieshout and the Carpenters Workshop Gallery enjoyed matchless media exposure and a wave of support and good wishes which echoed at international level.

The strong and symbolic decision taken by the Pompidou Centre in itself supported freedom of artistic expression in the public space, over and above any kind of controversy.

This communications campaign also stood as a victory for the Carpenters Workshop Gallery in terms of the integration of design into the world of contemporary art, a position defended by Julien Lombrail and Loïc Le Gaillard, since the creation of their gallery.


Communic'Art's mega press relations campaign for the major exhibition "Eastern Christians - 2,000 years of history"

Our mission

The Institute Monde Arabe in Paris (Arab World Institute) entrusted Communic’Art with a press relations and digital strategy mission for its exhibition-event.

Designed in close collaboration with representatives from the various communities, thanks to help from the Œuvre d’Orient, the “Eastern Christians – 2,000 years of history” exhibition brought together 300 objects including numerous heritage masterpieces, some of which have never been seen before in Europe and which were loaned for the occasion by the religious communities themselves.

The unusual exhibition tour took visitors from Antiquity to present day, through the religious, political, cultural and artistic history of these Christian communities.

We had to give this event all the media coverage it deserved



Communic’Art based its approach on the political, religious, social, historic and artistic resonance of the exhibition, stimulating interest from across national and international media.

Once made aware of the subject, national and international press celebrated the beauty of the exhibition and the exceptional nature of the pieces on show, through lengthy reports and detailed, well-documented articles. Breakfast TV/radio shows and cultural programmes also gave extensive coverage to the event.

The multi-disciplinary approach of this campaign meant that a diverse range of journalists and media were reached, thereby increasing the range of targets and consequently contributing to the diversity of visitors and audiences.

The exhibition was a real success for the Arab World Institute, which received 155,000 visitors over the 4-month period.


Communic'Art has Barnebys.fr recognised in the french-speaking world as the "Google of auction sales"

Our mission

Founded in 2011 by Christopher Barnekow and Pontus Silfverstolpe, both from Sweden, Barnebys launched its platform in French in February 2015, seeking to become established on the French-speaking market.  

Barnebys entrusted Communic’Art with a mission of consultancy in communication and press relations amongst French-speaking targets in the European area.  

It wanted to increase its reputation amongst the press and public, to reach new users and start new partnerships with French auction houses.

The first action was a press conference at Artcurial in Paris to promote the launch of Barnebys.fr and present the platform. The conference attracted 25 French-speaking journalists.



In two years of collaboration, Communic’Art has achieved extensive media coverage in both the specialist art press and the economic, design, lifestyle, luxury and general press.

The success of the press conference held at the time of launch and the press relations campaign confirmed Barnebys’ expertise on the auction sales market.

Barnebys, known as the “Google of auction sales”, is now considered by both press and public as a reference in online art sales. 

2,000 auction houses, including 200 French-speaking, have already joined Barnebys, including Aguttes, Catawiki, Artcurial and Tajan…


Communicating, celebrating and publishing the 50th anniversary of Galerie Templon: an operation that called on all the resources of Communic'Art

Our mission

Consultancy in communication strategy, consultancy in press relations, international press relations campaign, content on social networks, publishing – was the mission entrusted to Communic’Art requiring all our know-how. All this was achieved with a degree of mutual commitment rarely seen between a gallery and an agency, the fruit of 12 years of collaboration and trust.

To mark the 50th anniversary of Galerie Templon, involved explaining and recognising Daniel Templon’s unique view of the contemporary art market and the success and remarkable longevity of his gallery, strengthen his international recognition and ensuring that all communication remained coherent, Communic’Art worked for two years with Daniel Templon and his team on this anniversary mission.



In 2016, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Galerie Templon involved a number of noteable events including the publication by Flammarion of a portrait of Daniel Templon by the historian Julie Verlaine. Communic’Art took charge of the international edition in English.

Exceptional exhibitions, including at the Biennale des Antiquaires, including a collection of museum quality works, all dated 1966 (Klein, Vasarely, Buren, Adami…), multiple portraits of Daniel Templon in the French and international press, creation and edition of a 960-page book retracing the gallery’s history with photos of exhibitions held there placed opposite articles from the time, retrospective exhibition at the Bernard Magrez cultural institute, not to mention continuous content on the gallery’s social media on the theme of the 50th anniversary. Results were a reflection of the gallery’s rich history.