
>>> 07.07.2015

Paris by night, the vision of Roger Schall: an exclusive exhibition at Galerie Argentic


"Paris by night, Roger Schall"

Galerie ARGENTIC  
43 rue Daubenton - 75005 Paris

Top images :
Fontaine de la Concorde / Le Sacré Coeur / Le Kiosque
Roger Schall, 1935
Courtesy Galerie ARGENTIC

Above :
Le Moulin Rouge
Roger Schall, 1935
Courtesy Galerie ARGENTIC

In an exhibition for the new cultural season, Galerie Argentic offers a unique selection of thirty photographs from the archives of Roger Schall, most of which have never been exhibited before.

Photographer of the interwar period and a contemporary of Brassaï, Roger Schall excelled in photojournalism, of which he was one of the pioneers, alongside his work in fashion and portraiture photography. At the beginning of the 1930s, the Leica and Rolleiflex ‘revolution’ allowed him to satisfy his passion for images taken from life and on the spot. Paris, especially by night, was his preferred territory of exploration.

In tandem, the gallery will also exhibit a selection of works by other photographers, which present their own vision of Paris at night. Showing the streets and monuments, the shade and light, these images create a dialogue with each other through the way they capture nocturnal and timeless visions of the French capital. From 1900 to present day: 

Brassaï, Bernand, Willy Ronis, Robert Doisneau, Edith Gérin, Daniel Frasnay, Marcel Bovis, Jean Claude Gautrand, Daniel Lebée, Michel Giniès, Philippe Bréson, Patricia Van, Gabriel Loppé, Thierry Vallet, Bernard Just, Jean Vinegla, Bruno Fantini.

"Paris de Nuit" (1933), the iconic book by Paul Morand, bringing together over 60 photographies by Brassaï, will also be presented.


a focus on vintage humanist photography

Located at 43 rue Daubenton in Paris’ 5th arrondissement, at the heart of the Mouffetard district, which boasts a tremendously rich past and artistic heritage, Galerie ARGENTIC gives pride of place to humanist photography, with works by Willy Ronis, Robert Doisneau, Izis, Sabine Weiss and Henri Cartier Bresson.  

The gallery is also committed to supporting the art of photojournalism, exhibiting work by Michel Giniès, Godard, Vacher and Mutzig, amongst others. Eric Boudry, a passionate collector of photographs since the early 1980s, set up in 2005. This website sells original photographic work. Eric’s expertise allows him to offer work that stands out in terms of both quality and variety.

Founded in January 2015, Galerie ARGENTIC’s goal is to exhibit rare, iconic works by early photographers, present-day practitioners of the art and everything in between. 

ARGENTIC’s vision is a long-term one, driven by a commitment to exhibit only the very best photographs with a view to building up a reputation as a name to be trusted by both visitors and collectors.

Galerie ARGENTIC puts on five exhibitions each year, in addition to its involvement in Fotofever Paris.



Top images :
Fontaine de la Concorde / Le Sacré Coeur / Le Kiosque
Roger Schall, 1935
Courtesy Galerie ARGENTIC

Above :
Le Moulin Rouge
Roger Schall, 1935
Courtesy Galerie ARGENTIC


"Paris by night, Roger Schall"

Galerie ARGENTIC  
43 rue Daubenton - 75005 Paris

Galerie Argentic