
The artist, France Bizot, presents "iCônes", her third personal exhibition, in Blackslash from 1 June to 22 July 2017.
France Bizot sees the exhibition as the fruit of her last two years of research. She has adopted Pierre Soulages's motto: “It is what I do that shows me what I'm looking for.” The title that she chose helped her understand what she was looking for with her portraits, particularly the ones featuring her mother, the artist’s first icon.
France Bizot has been influenced by a whole array of figures, icons from different eras who exerted a strange fascination over her, for a short period of time, such as Nico, Edwige Belmore and, more recently, Georgia May Jagger.
"iCônes" transcends time
The exhibition begins with a series of 24 portraits, each one nestling like a jewel in its case. Geometric shapes in different colours punctuate these sacred-like images, bestowing on them an air of strangeness reminiscent of the holy halo. Then, large drawings adorned with the same device almost surrealist images. One of the exhibition rooms is dedicated to a series of sketchbooks, of drawings, which, like a logbook, immortalize selected moments of life. The exhibition ends with the projection of “L'île” a video that retraces the artist's photographic exploration of the island of Seguin the repurposing of the Renault factory.
France Bizot graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. Since 2011, she has been developing a series of drawings that look at social media and the status of the image.
Opening on Thursday, June 1 from 2 to 9 pm
29 rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris
Since 2010, Backslash has chosen to support emerging visual artists and international artists not yet known in France such as Charlotte Charbonnel, Rero and Boris Tellegen