
>>> 08.10.2008

A CATALOGUE ON NOVELLI FOR Galerie Di Meo by Communic'Art Edition


Galerie Di Meo 

9 rue des Beaux-Arts

75006 Paris

Tel : +331 43 54 10 98


For Gastone Novelli’s exhibition, which will take place 
from October 10th to November 29th 2008, Galerie Di Meo has entrusted Communic’Art with the creation 
of a catalogue.

The disciplined lyricism of Novelli’s paintings and drawings 
refers to the linguistic avant-garde experimentation in 
which the artist took interest.

This research appears in
his work through text fragments, signs and irregular 
shapes traced on abstract surfaces which are often white, 
symbolizing nothingness as a gateway to liberation.

Novelli has devoted his work to the creation of a pictural 
language in between abstraction and writing.

Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1925 and deceased in Rome
in 1968, Gastone Novelli belongs to the italian avant-garde 
of the 50’s and 60’s. His work can be related to diverse 
artistic movements such as Action Painting and Surrealist





Galerie Di Meo 

9 rue des Beaux-Arts

75006 Paris

Tel : +331 43 54 10 98

Galerie Di Meo