
>>> 14.02.2018

// DEVENIR // The COLLÈGE DES BERNARDINS invites ten artists from the École de Beaux-Arts, Paris to share the act of creation with the public until July 8, 2018.


Opening the 8 March at 6:30pm to 9pm
Exhibtion from 8 March to 8 July  2018

Le Collège des Bernardins
20 rue de Poissy 75005 Paris


From 3 April to 6 May :

Gabrielle Conilh de Beyssac / Jonas Delhaye / Sarah Feuillas 

From 9 May to 3 June : 

Jules Guissart / Kealan Lambert / Raphaël Tiberghien 

From 6 June to July 1st :

Jean-Michel Alberola / Alban Denuit / Natalia Villanueva Linares


Charles-Henry de Pimodan will be present during the entire exhibition as a recorder and observer of these moments of creation.


Main Image: 

Exhibition view © Mélanie Pottier

Image Above:

Become © Sophie Monjaret

For this exhibition, which runs until July 8, 2018, artists, teachers and graduates of the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris who participated in the research department of the Collège des Bernardins, “La Parole de l’Art” will come together. In this progressive proposal, visitors will experience art in three stages:

> Le Passé, frozen, expressed the impossibility of re-writing history and presented a collective exhibition of previously realized artworks. The works exhibited in the first days of the exhibition were pieces already created by the artists and selected by curator Sophie Monjaret. Frozen in the past, repentance is impossible.

> Le Présent, is mobile, moving and it sees the the building’s vestry space as a workshop, in order to allow the public to follow the collaborative work between the artists, day-after-day. The “present” part of the exhibition is divided into three parts, of one month each, during which, the artists create new pieces with six hands, since it is collectively that we can try to build a dream future.

> Le Futur, finally, we will open up the possibilities, animating the exhibition with roundtables and talks that are open to all (artists, visitors, but also students and teachers). This exhibition, realized in partnership with the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts (National School of Fine Arts) in Paris, will close with a focus on the genesis of new beginnings ...

For four days, the artists will be invited to transfer their studio to the Collège des Bernardins. Presenting their world, this final part of the exhibition will reveal to the public what feeds the artists' inspiration, their environments and their research ....
Thus, nothing remains the same and everything has to become!



Main Image: 

Exhibition view © Mélanie Pottier

Image Above:

Become © Sophie Monjaret


Opening the 8 March at 6:30pm to 9pm
Exhibtion from 8 March to 8 July  2018

Le Collège des Bernardins
20 rue de Poissy 75005 Paris


From 3 April to 6 May :

Gabrielle Conilh de Beyssac / Jonas Delhaye / Sarah Feuillas 

From 9 May to 3 June : 

Jules Guissart / Kealan Lambert / Raphaël Tiberghien 

From 6 June to July 1st :

Jean-Michel Alberola / Alban Denuit / Natalia Villanueva Linares


Charles-Henry de Pimodan will be present during the entire exhibition as a recorder and observer of these moments of creation.


Collège des Bernardins