
>>> 23.02.2021

L'appart Renoma presents "Scène Symphonique, WILLIAM BAKAIMO and FAMAKAN MAGASSA" 19 May to 30 June 2021


Exhibition Scène Symphonique, William Bakaimo and Famakan Magassa
From Wednesday 19 May to Wednesday 30 June 2021 
Press preview 7 April 11am to 5:30pm 
Public opening 8 April 3pm to 5:30pm 
L’Appart Renoma 
129bis rue de la Pompe,
75116 Paris 
Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm
Adèle Godet
06 30 79 44 80 

Image below: L'Appart Renoma

Main image: Detail of the William Bakaimo work Echange virtuel, 2020, acrylic and Chinese ink on canvas

Maurice Renoma invites William Bakaimo and Famakan Magassa for an original exhibition entitled Scène Symphonique at L'Appart Renoma from Wednesday 19 May to Wednesday 30 June 2021.

After having been a temple of the absurd with Mythologies du Poisson Rouge, L'Appart Renoma, a hybrid space in perpetual mutation, is reinvigorating itself to become the forefront of a new generation of emerging artists driven by the same desire to shake things up.

"Perfumes, colours and sounds correspond" wrote Baudelaire. Like a skillfully rhythmic symphony, this new exhibition presents the works of three creators, in harmony with each other, to initiate a strong and striking pictorial dialogue.

This hanging, a cross partition between three artists, brings together photographs by Maurice Renoma, a selection of paintings by William Bakaimo and Famakan Magassa as well as fusion works created especially for this event.

The decor is planted giving rise to a complicity that is as surprising as it is obvious.

For their first Parisian exhibition, Bakaimo and Magassa propose to revisit their states of consciousness through creatures or humans coming not from nowhere but from an imaginary world that flirts with reality.

The exhibition is an ode to metamorphosis in all its dreamlike, seductive and even frightening aspects. Like a great passage between the real and the imaginary, each painting delivers hidden levels of reading to those who look at it attentively. The pictorial dialogue initiated between the works is therefore the result of a common will of the three artists to divert our perception.

Between fantasy and reality, humour and fatalism, Maurice Renoma, William Bakaimo and Famakan Massaga present to us Man facing his limits and demons, his destructive nature and the impact of an intrinsically perverted contemporary society.

By proposing this new exhibition at the Appart Renoma, Maurice Renoma confirms his support for contemporary creation and for artists with a singular identity who dare to deal with strong themes off the beaten track. The couturier and photographer, a man of art and convictions, thus positions himself above fashions, highlighting artists who challenge and disturb.

What better place to host this artistic wandering than the Appart Renoma, a place for exchange and dialogue, as eclectic as it is unifying, in the image of the free spirit of its founder. Maurice Renoma, like a conductor, invites Bakaimo and Magassa for an abundant presentation, in the rhythm of each one's personal projections? 

Maurice Renoma, like an orchestra conductor, invites Bakaimo and Magassa for an abundant presentation punctuaded by the inner projections of each.

Image below: L'Appart Renoma

Main image: Detail of the William Bakaimo work Echange virtuel, 2020, acrylic and Chinese ink on canvas


Exhibition Scène Symphonique, William Bakaimo and Famakan Magassa
From Wednesday 19 May to Wednesday 30 June 2021 
Press preview 7 April 11am to 5:30pm 
Public opening 8 April 3pm to 5:30pm 
L’Appart Renoma 
129bis rue de la Pompe,
75116 Paris 
Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm
Adèle Godet
06 30 79 44 80 
