Marché Paul Bert Serpette shows its "Family portraits" at the Galerie des Puces

Mélanie Monforte
Over the last two years, over 50 new dealers have decided to open a stand at Marché Paul Bert Serpette, the largest market in the Puces de Saint-Ouen.
These new arrivals will take pride of place in a major exhibition,
“Family portraits”, to be held at the Galerie des Puces, Marché Paul Bert Serpette’s exhibition space, from June 7th to August 18th 2014.
With some 350 professional dealers on a 12,000 m² site, Paul Bert Serpette is the largest and the busiest of the 14 markets that make up the Puces de Saint-Ouen.
Its 380 stands have something new each week, from the very best of furniture from the 18th to 20th century, suited to even the most niche tastes, to jewellery, paintings, mirrors and glassware, not to mention tableware, archaeological artefacts, tribal arts and taxidermy.
Paul Bert Serpette is the only permanent marketplace in the world to have such an eclectic range of rare objects and artworks on offer. Running a stall at Paul Bert Serpette is an absolute must for any antiques dealer. Over 50 professionals have opened a stand here over the course of the last two years.
For this new generation of stall-owners, Paul Bert Serpette, more than ever before, signifies a new, outward-looking approach, a real dynamism and a reputation amongst the art world that is second to none.
Marché Paul Bert Serpette is a byword the world over for its avant-garde spirit, the quality of the art and antiques on sale and the expertise of its stall-holders. As such, it attracts an international clientele composed of both professionals and knowledgeable amateurs. They come in search of something that stands out from the crowd, to hunt out the latest trends and to breathe in the intoxicating scent of discoveries just waiting to be made that so characterizes this market.
In an age marked by online shopping and a seemingly never-ending stream of new sales channels, this influx of arrivals bears testament to the tremendous vitality of Paul Bert Serpette, an absolutely unmissable marketplace where rare artworks can be pored over, discussed and authenticated thanks to the expertise of some 350 professional dealers.
Whether they come from a long line of art dealers or have simply made the transition from amateur bargain hunter to dedicated art professional, these young dealers’ stands offer a range of high-quality art, with specializations that include 20th century furniture, decorative arts and paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries, items of haute couture and more.
“Family portraits” at the Galerie des Puces offers us a cross-section of faces from the Puces - with a special emphasis on the most recent arrivals – all captured on film with their favourite items.
Every dealer has an artwork or antique that is particularly precious to them and which is the very embodiment of their love of and commitment to the world of antiques. The exhibition features hundreds of photographic portraits, and afterwards, visitors can meet the people depicted in them at their stalls - the extended family that is Paul Bert Serpette, together with the newest additions to the clan.