
>>> 13.09.2013

Browse the catalogue of Serge Poliakoff's exhibition at Applicat-Prazan


Serge Poliakoff Exhibition
24th to 27th October 2013
at Applicat-Prazan (Rive droite)

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Galerie Applicat-Prazan
Rive Gauche
16, rue de Seine - 75006 Paris
Rive Droite 
14, avenue de Matignon - 75008 Paris


52 pages
Creation – Publishing Communic'Art


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Applicat-Prazan commissioned Communic’Art to create and publish an exclusive catalogue for the exhibition of Serge Poliakoff that the gallery will be showing from 5th November to 21st December 2013.

Five years after its monographic exhibition on Poliakoff and on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the gallery founded by Bernard Prazan, and run for now 10 years by his son Franck Prazan, Applicat-Prazan returns to the work of this major artist of post-war abstraction.

"Standing in front of a canvas by Poliakoff I felt for the first time that painting was permitting me to see and say about it what I had chosen to see and say"

Bernard Prazan

Sixteen major works have place of honour, highlighting two key periods of the artist’s life; the start and the end of his career.

The years 1949 to 1947 correspond to an extremely fertile period in his research, resulting in a pictorial expression memorable in the history of abstract art. The canvases of the years 1966 to 1969 demonstrate how the artist has, at the end of his life, been able to reinvent his own painting.

The Paris Museum of Modern Art will also present the artist soon, with a major retrospective of Serge Poliakoff from 18th October 2013 to 23rd February 2014. This exhibition will include about fifteen paintings from the gallery, all lent by private collectors.

About Applicat-Prazan

Applicat-Prazan is a gallery dedicated to the principal Artists of the Post-War School of Paris.

Located in Paris on two sites, one on the Left Bank at 16 rue de Seine, the other on the Right Bank at 14 avenue Matignon, it rigorously selects the most significant works by its artists.

Browse the catalogue on Applicat-Prazan


52 pages
Creation – Publishing Communic'Art



Serge Poliakoff Exhibition
24th to 27th October 2013
at Applicat-Prazan (Rive droite)

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Galerie Applicat-Prazan
Rive Gauche
16, rue de Seine - 75006 Paris
Rive Droite 
14, avenue de Matignon - 75008 Paris

