
>>> 18.01.2024 - 15.03.2024

Cahiers d'Art presents a major exhibition devoted to Marcel Duchamp from 18 January to 15 March 2024


18 Jan 2024 - 15 March 2024

Cahiers d'Art
14, 15 rue du Dragon, 75006 Paris

Julie Tournier
+ 33 (0) 6 51 54 85 74

Main image:
Vue d'exposition / Installation view Marcel Duchamp, 2024. Cahiers d'Art, Paris. Courtesy Cahiers d'Art, Paris. Photo: Studio Shapiro.

Image above:
© Marcel Duchamp, "Cœurs volants", cover for Cahiers d'Art, no 1-2, 1936 © Association Marcel Duchamp / Adagp, Paris 2024 Editions / Cahiers d'Art, Paris.

His iconic works will be presented in two spaces on rue du Dragon, in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

Cahiers d'Art and Marcel Duchamp have a long history together. Founded in Paris in 1926 by Christian Zervos, Cahiers d'Art is both an art magazine and a gallery, playing a central role in the promotion of contemporary art. Marcel Duchamp, a leading figure in modern art, appeared many times in the pages of the celebrated magazine, tracing his footsteps in the important movements of Cubism and Dada. Duchamp was a revolutionary artist whose work profoundly influenced the artistic landscape of the twentieth century. His collaboration with Cahiers d'Art, with the iconic cover of issue no. 1-2, 1936, illustrated with the artist's "Flying Hearts", marked a turning point in art-historical appreciation and underlined his provocative and innovative role.

In particular, the exhibition aims to explore how this relationship helped to shape the artistic discourse of the time, while enabling Duchamp to disseminate his avant-garde ideas. Through archival documents and works of art, the exhibition promises to reveal the mutual influence between Duchamp and Cahiers d'Art, illustrating an essential chapter in the history of modern art.

Main image:
Vue d'exposition / Installation view Marcel Duchamp, 2024. Cahiers d'Art, Paris. Courtesy Cahiers d'Art, Paris. Photo: Studio Shapiro.

Image above:
© Marcel Duchamp, "Cœurs volants", cover for Cahiers d'Art, no 1-2, 1936 © Association Marcel Duchamp / Adagp, Paris 2024 Editions / Cahiers d'Art, Paris.


18 Jan 2024 - 15 March 2024

Cahiers d'Art
14, 15 rue du Dragon, 75006 Paris

Julie Tournier
+ 33 (0) 6 51 54 85 74

Cahiers d'Art