
Born in Australia, Julianne Rose has lived and worked in Paris for 17 years. Using photography and other media Rose looks at the image of children in our society.
“I remember my favorite doll being burnt in a house fire when I was 8 years old. My parents consoled me, promising to replace her with a new much prettier doll, one in perfect condition. Mine was said to be too old and used and therefore not a great loss.”
Beyond words, the artist confronts the image of the doll to the image of the child in striking photographic diptychs where the doll and its fabricated appearance objectifies the child, successively becoming subject of consumption, object of desire, and consumer of toys.
This catalogue accompanies the first exhibition of the artist from May 13 to July 1st 2006 at Galerie 13Sévigné.
With a large, eye-catching and contemporary format, the catalogue emphasizes the status and the project of the artist.
Julianne Rose currently exhibits some works in the exhibition Ultra Peau, presented at the Palais de Tokyo from April 25 to June 21 2006.
This catalogue is distributed by our partner PARIS MUSÉES in 300 bookstores in France, including 50 specialized with an Art section.
The catalogue will be listed in over forty (40) professional databases, including Fnac, Amazon and Dilicom as well as in online bookstores.
The catalogue will also be distributed in Europe, North America, Canada and Eastern Europe.
Galerie 13Sévigné – 13 rue de Sévigné 75004 Paris France – Tél: +331 42 74 32 61 –