Robin Cameron's first exhibition in France at Lefebvre & Fils Gallery, Paris

Mélanie Monforte
01 71 19 48 01
Lefebvre & Fils Gallery exposes Robin Cameron's new body of ceramic works from October 23rd 2013 to January 31st 2014.
Robin Cameron’s practice encompasses writing, prints, slideshows and short films as well as sculpture.
Her ceramic works examine the concept of productive failure by combining broken shards of discarded pottery with procelain creating new forms.
These forms reflect injured or isolated parts of the human body.
The title "Une Seconde vie" is a reference to Henri Matisse’s illness and creativity during that period of his life.
Robin Cameron lives and works in New York where she is represented by ROOM EAST Gallery (41 Orchard Street New York, NY 10002).
A comprehensive selection of her publications is held in the MoMA Library and her artwork has been promised as a gift to the Whitney Museum.
Lefebvre & Fils Gallery
Established in 1880, Lefebvre & Fils Gallery is dedicated to old and modern ceramics from France and Europe.
Well known for its historical expertise, the gallery is now oriented towards contemporary art.
Previous exhibitions include works by Olivier Gagnère, Ron Nagle, Meekyoung Shin and Wayne Fisher.