FIAC 2018: Galerie Templon presents dialogue between young contemporary talent and established artists

For this year’s FIAC, Galerie Templon will present a selection of artists that represent both its support for young, contemporary talent and for established artists who the gallery has been following throughout their careers. This dialogue between generations fosters the program Templon is celebrated for.
Highlights of the gallery’s booth include works from Jim Dine, Robert Motherwell, Frank Stella, Prune Nourry, Chiharu Shiota and Omar Ba.
The Galerie will be exhibiting Robert Motherwell’s Mexican Window, a seminal variation of his Open series, focusing on the theme of the window as a metaphor for the relationship between the inner world of emotions and outer world of the senses. Strongly anchored in the artist’s personal history, its orange background evokes Motherwell’s Latin American colour source and his debut as a painter in Mexico, with the influence of folk art. Intimate and meditative, the work from 1974 will be an unmissable stop on a trip around the fair.
A new work by Jim Dine (b. 1935) will be revealed: with Red Laughing the artist explores his favourite themes: the creative act, the self, and memory, through an an explosion of colours, forms and techniques. The surfaces of the canvase is worked with acrylic and sand, using a grinder, thus acquiring volume and materiality: Jim Dine emerges in a new dimension.
The New York-based French artist Prune Nourry (b.1985) will be showing her hybrid new glass heads, playing with the ambiguity of material and perception. The sculpture refers to her recent projects in Asia, exploring the question of demographic inequalities, and the gender selection of children, and her interest in the production process as a work in itself.
The gallery will also be presenting works by Senegalese artist Omar Ba (b. 1977). Reflecting upon recent history, ecological issues and his own past, Omar Ba combines personal metaphors with ancestral references, manifestations of the unconscious and a symbolic perception of reality. Working in between Dakar and Geneva (Swizerland), one foot on each continent, Omar Ba has developed an approach rooted in permanent hybridization.
Omar Ba is currently on show at the gallery’s rue Grenier Saint-Lazare space with his exhibition, “autopsy of our Consciences” until 27 OctobeVisitors to Paris for FIAC should also visit the gallery’s rue Beaubourg space for its exhibition of 1960’s and 1970’s works by Georges Mathieu, one of the most singular and emblematic painters in French contemporary art. The exhibition, which continues until 20 October, features thirty paintings created between 1960 and 1979, demonstrating the significance and inventiveness of a body of work that left a lasting impression on French art and imagination.