
>>> 28.02.2011



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Biennale Internationale du Verre / ESGAA

- 62, rue du Faubourg National – 67000 Strasbourg - -




Launched in Strasbourg, the International Glass Biennale takes a turn towards Europe and will have its 2nd edition set in two locations : Venice and Murano from June 3rd, followed by Strasbourg and the Alsace region from October 14th.

The International Glass Biennale has entrusted the media Campaign to Communic’Art

The first part of the 2011 International Glass Biennale will benefit from the appeal of the world renowned Venice Art Show held from June through November, whose 54th edition will explore the role of light in contemporary creativity and its impact in today societies, a topic which echoes the work of artists exhibited by the ESGAA.

Venice, June 4 to September 15

Private viewing on June 3, by invitation only

The Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre for French Romantic Music was created by the Bru Foundation with the object of promoting international recognition of the French musical repertoire of the nineteenth century. The Centre’s gardens will host the outside sculptures by artists Vladimir Zbynovsky and Renato Santarossa, whose works on transparency, light and volume show the infinite potential of glass as an artistic medium. Located in the San Stin neighbourhood, near the Basilica dei Frari, the Palazzetto’s garden offers these works a magnificent setting where stone and natural elements are reflected in glass.

Murano, July 16 to September 30


Private viewing on July 15, by invitation only

With a world renowned tradition in the making of glass, the island of Murano has served for centuries as a provider of crystal chandeliers to the most prestigious European courts and Italian duchies. Its Glass Museum displays high quality pieces, among which an Ancient glass collection from the Enona necropolis, as well as very rare artworks from the Renaissance era. The Murano Glass Museum will host the works ofCaroline PrisseJoan CrousVincent Breed andBert Frijns, four artists with a background in sculpture, blown glass and industrial design, whose works bring new perspectives on daily objects, in ways that are either poetic, social, or playful.


The Alsace region present in both Venice and Murano

The Alsace Region will be particularly active in both Venice and Murano. As a sign of its commitment to the artistic partnership with the Venice area, the City of Strasbourg has announced the Deputy Mayor and its advisor in charge of Cultural Affairs would attend the Biennale in Venice. The Alsace Region will also be present in Murano, through the Region’s Vice-President. Besides, two students from the Strasbourg School of Decorative Arts will design an original piece of work, together with the prestigious Abate Zanetti Glass School in Murano.


The International Glass Biennale

An initiative of the European Studio Glass Art Association (ESGAA), under the aegis of the French Minister for Culture and Communication, the International Glass Biennale showcasts the works of artists who use glass as a creative material alone or associated with other materials. The second part of the International Glass Biennale will take place inten different locations in the Alsace region, France, from October 14 to November 30, 2011.





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Biennale Internationale du Verre / ESGAA

- 62, rue du Faubourg National – 67000 Strasbourg - -



European Studio Glass Art Association (ESGAA)