
>>> 14.02.2008



Galerie Di Meo 

9 rue des Beaux-Arts

75006 Paris

Tél : +331 43 54 10 98


On the occasion of an exhibition of recent works by Luigi Mainolfi, to take place from February 22 to April 5, 2008, a catalogue has been produced and published at the request of the Galerie Di Meo by the Communic’Art agency.

Entitled “Spheres,” the exhibition will present a collection of works possessing strong narrative force, in the form of spheres and spherical wall panels created in a variety of materials.

Luigi Mainolfi is a sculptor whose work in materials such as bronze, iron, copper and terracotta is strongly reminiscent of his origins and of Mediterranean civilization generally.

His works take us into an imaginary new world in which enchantment and modernity are fused together.

According to Guido Curto, director of the Albertina Academy at the Beaux- Arts in Turin,“Mainolfi stands out in the European artistic panorama for his obstinate will and antagonistic capacity to be above all the sculptor and inventor of a new language.” He continues by explaining that “the spheres are worlds marked by the porosity and patina of time, rhythmic scores of the movement of things. They are the life of shapes and knowledge.”

Luigi Mainolfi was born in Rotondi, Campania, in 1948. Since 1972, he has exhibited in galleries and museums in Italy, naturally, but also in Germany, France, the Czech Republic and Japan.

Presented in the Italian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 1990, this exhibition is his third at the Di Meo Gallery.

The catalogue, in a small and elegant format, offers an intimist look at works of great material richness. Photographs of the artist in his studio also enable the reader to enter his personal universe.

The catalogue is made available by PARIS MUSEES in France, in around 300 bookshops, of which 50 are specialists featuring an “Art” section.

The catalogue is also listed in some forty professional databases, including those of the Fnac, Amazon and Dilicom, as well as on art book Internet sales sites. It will be widely available in Europe, North America and the Near East.



Galerie Di Meo 

9 rue des Beaux-Arts

75006 Paris

Tél : +331 43 54 10 98

Galerie Di Meo