
Galerie Di Meo presents Nunzio’s recent works from May 25th to July 21st 2007. To accompany the exhibition, the gallery has mandated Communic’Art to create a catalogue reproducing all the works in the show, along with a text by Lydie and Nello Di Meo and an introduction by Emmanuele Trevi.
The exhibition presents the most recent works by Nunzio, the only true sculptor of the artistic movement “New Roman School” which gathers artists like Pizzi Cannella, Dessi or Gallo.
Nunzio works with wood, bronze and wood combustion. He transforms lead into mural presence that he sets up like a pure challenge to emptiness.
The material is corrugated and perforated, like a new alphabet which the meaning only belongs to the artist, leaving spectators imagine their own language.
The Italian art critic Emanuele Trevi writes in the catalogue’s introduction « with the patience and determination of an explorer clearing a path through the brush, Nunzio works his way inside sawing, melting, grinding, sanding, painting, burning… Behind all of these gestures, (…) we can distinguish the echo of the same, deep need: the moment of schism, the separation, the elimination of the superfluous…».
Nunzio was born in Cagnano Amiterno in the Abruzzi in 1954. Since 1978, his exhibitions follow one another from
galleries to museums in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the United States, France, Japan, Serbia, Switzerland but also in Italy.
A large retrospective was devoted to him in MACRO, the Museo d’Arte Contemporanea of Rome, in 2005.
The catalogue, of an elegant small size, offers an intimate glance on the works and their richness of texture. Photographs taken in the artist’s studio also allow the reader to penetrate his universe.
This catalogue is distributed by PARIS MUSÉES, ine France near 300 bookshops of which 50 specialized laying out an “Art” district. It is also referenced in about forty professional databases of which the Fnac, Amazon and Dilicom, like on websites of sale online. It will be also distributed in Europe, North America and the Middle East.