Tornabuoni Art will present at Art Basel Unlimited Dadamaino's largest work

For its first participation in Art Basel Unlimited Tornabuoni Art will be presenting a monumental work, the largest of the Italian artist Dadamaino, twin of the one owned by the Centre Pompidou.
An interview with Michele Casamonti, head of the Tornabuoni Art Group
At Art Basel Unlimited you are exhibiting the biggest work of Italian artist Dadamaino from the cycle entitled Il movimento delle cose. How have you carried out this project?
In 2013, Tornabuoni Art had the pleasure of organizing the largest Dadamaino retrospective in a private gallery (October 11, 2013 - January 25, 2014). This retrospective followed the one presented at the Consortium in Dijon (May 3, 2013 - September 29, 2013).
As soon as I visited the exhibition at Le Consortium, I knew I had to show this work, in my own way to the public in a solo exhibition. However, it was impossible to present this monumental artwork of 30 meters in our Parisian space.
Limited by the criteria of space, I was impatient to find the best opportunity to be able to present what I consider a masterpiece from the end of Dadamaino’s life. Art Basel Unlimited was a fantastic opportunity for me.
Dadamaino created several works in the cycle Il movimento delle cose, two versions of which, and this is very rare, are of monumental size; one can be found in the Centre Pompidou, Paris and we are proud to have contributed to its integration in the museum's permanent collection. The second will be exhibited at Art Basel Unlimited.
What is the meaning of this monumental work composed of a series of abstract inscriptions?
There are several ways to describe the rhythm of our lives. In her cycle Il movimento delle cose, which is sometimes called Passo dopo passo, Dadamaino chose one of the most poetic visions to describe our life, from the movement of things, objects that surround us, that we encounter, etc.
These traits, these waves are vibrations, alternating shadows and movements that reconstruct the rhythms of life.
When I see these works by Dadamaino, I think immediately of the rhythm of a beating heart, but also of the rhythm of keys swinging, the tapping of shoes, the clinking of cutlery, the motion of everything we use day after day... those things that are part of our lives ... the movement of our life. Describing the movement of these things is the most poetic way to portray our life, our everyday life.
This is obviously my personal interpretation.
The Italian artistic scene arouses interest from collectors and the public. What place does Dadamaino occupy on the art market?
The interest Dadamaino evokes on the art market has considerably strengthened, especially during the last decade.
The pictorial experiments of Dadamaino are mingled with the dominant conceptual research of the Milanese cultural scene of the early 60s and, in particular, those of Azimut (with Enrico Castellani and Piero Manzoni). On the other hand, her artistic language echoes the "optical" aesthetics of Gruppo N in early 60s.
These meetings gave birth to her artistic research from the early 80s, focused on the sign.
The body of artworks by Dadamaino is extremely varied, there are several "types" of Dadamaino collectors. This is one of the reasons why the market of Dadamaino work will continue its significant evolution in the coming years.