A Success Story

Communic'Art's mega press relations campaign for the major exhibition "Eastern Christians - 2,000 years of history"

Our mission

The Institute Monde Arabe in Paris (Arab World Institute) entrusted Communic’Art with a press relations and digital strategy mission for its exhibition-event.

Designed in close collaboration with representatives from the various communities, thanks to help from the Œuvre d’Orient, the “Eastern Christians – 2,000 years of history” exhibition brought together 300 objects including numerous heritage masterpieces, some of which have never been seen before in Europe and which were loaned for the occasion by the religious communities themselves.

The unusual exhibition tour took visitors from Antiquity to present day, through the religious, political, cultural and artistic history of these Christian communities.

We had to give this event all the media coverage it deserved



Communic’Art based its approach on the political, religious, social, historic and artistic resonance of the exhibition, stimulating interest from across national and international media.

Once made aware of the subject, national and international press celebrated the beauty of the exhibition and the exceptional nature of the pieces on show, through lengthy reports and detailed, well-documented articles. Breakfast TV/radio shows and cultural programmes also gave extensive coverage to the event.

The multi-disciplinary approach of this campaign meant that a diverse range of journalists and media were reached, thereby increasing the range of targets and consequently contributing to the diversity of visitors and audiences.

The exhibition was a real success for the Arab World Institute, which received 155,000 visitors over the 4-month period.