
>>> 21.09.2011



Docks Art Fair
49 quai Rambaud, 69002 Lyon
+33 (0)4 78 42 98 50


Last week, Docks Art Fair third opus gathered 33 French and foreign art galleries in Lyon, with each exhibitor presenting the work of one artist only, following the solo show concept.

They have benefited from an exceptional location, at the heart of Lyon newly renovated area, la Confluence, just a few steps away from the 11th Contemporary Art Biennial, opening on this same week.

During six days, the fair allowed gallery owners to expand their professional network and build new relationships. French galleries, Laurent Godin, Cortex Athletico, Modern Art, Swiss Analix Forever, Spanish Fernando Pradilla, Moroccan Matisse Art Gallery and Tunisian El Marsa, have raised particular interest from art collectors during this artistic week.

Both professionals and amateurs have praised the artistic quality of the fair’s programming, as well as its organisation. 8,500 visitors are said to have attented the event.


Purchases up 50% for the City of Lyon

Supported by strong local partners, both private and public – the Grand Lyon urban community, the Rhône-Alpes region, and local bank CIC lyonnaise de Banque – the young fair could count on the City’s dynamic artistic policy.

Mayor Gérard Collomb, who inaugurated the fair during his visit on Tuesday September 13th, has announced the City Council would acquire works from several artists shown, including Scoli Acosta (Galerie Laurent Godin), Mehdi Meddaci (Galerie Odile Ouizeman),Meriem Bouderbala (Galerie Ammar Farhat), Ludovic Paquelier (Galerie Sandra Nakicen) and Luis Mallo(Modern Art Galerie), for a total amount exceeding last edition’s purchases by 50%.

Julien Berthier wins the 2011 Montblanc©/Docks Art Fair Prize

After Japanese Chiharu Shiota, rewarded two years ago, French artist Julien Berthier (Georges-Philippe and Nathalie Vallois Gallery), has won the 2011 Montblanc/Docks Art Fair Prize. He was selected by a committee composed of Paula Aisemberg (Antoine de Galbert Foundation), Galila Barzilaï (private collector – Belgium), Colette Tornier (private collector – France), Laura Gowen (art advisor, Art Connection SA – Switzerland), Aline Pujo (Neuflize Vie – France) and Ingrid Roosen (Montblanc- Hambourg, Germany).

The laureate’s artwork will be exhibited at the brand flagship store in Paris, place Vendôme, in October.

Montblanc Cultural Foundation will also purchase a work from the artist for its collection.

About Docks Art Fair

Patricia and Olivier Houg set up their contemporary art gallery in Lyon in 1997. They represent the young generation of international artists, taking part in numerous international fairs (FIAC, Show Off, Loop Barcelona, Art Rotterdam, Arco Madrid, Solo Project Basel…). In 2007 they inaugurated the first Docks Art Fair during the opening week of the Lyon Contemporary Art Biennial, focusing exclusively on solo shows.

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Docks Art Fair
49 quai Rambaud, 69002 Lyon
+33 (0)4 78 42 98 50

Docks Art Fair