
>>> 18.04.2024

Mobilitas and its experts AGS RM and MEMORIST digitise the archives of the Ibuka Genocide Memorial in Rwanda

Infos Pratiques

Jules Calmets
+33 (0)7 66 52 74 45

Main image :
© istockphoto 612 x 612.
Image above:
© Kigali Genocide Memorial.

AGS Rwanda, MEMORIST's sister company whose parent company is the Mobilitas Group, showcases MEMORIST's services dedicated to the preservation and sharing of heritage. The Shoah Memorial in Paris chose AGS Rwanda for a crucial project in Rwanda's rich history: the digitisation of 500,000 pages of archives from the Ibuka Genocide Memorial. This esteemed collaboration is a testament to the expertise and dedication of AGS Rwanda in the field of archiving and digitisation. The documents, meticulously collected by the archivists of the Ibuka Memorial, represent a poignant testimony to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. These testimonials, files and books have been carefully preserved and are spread throughout Rwanda. Since March 2023, archivists have been meticulously sorting, digitising and securing these priceless archives that recount the events of the 1994 genocide, ensuring that the historical documents are preserved for future generations. More than a simple digitisation mission, this undertaking is a poignant reminder of the importance of preserving historical accounts and bearing witness to a shared history. By converting these physical archives into digital files, we are ensuring their longevity and protecting them from possible deterioration over time. The new archives will also facilitate access and dissemination, promoting a better understanding of Rwanda's history. As we continue our work, we are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a significant undertaking. This project aligns with the Group's core values of excellence, integrity and commitment. We thank the IBUKA archivists for entrusting us with this crucial task and the Shoah Memorial for recognising our abilities.


In Rwanda, AGS Records Management has established itself as a trusted partner in the digitisation of archives. Using state-of-the-art technology and a team of qualified experts, AGS offers fast, accurate and secure digitisation services. This activity enables businesses and organisations to transform their physical archives into digital files, improving data accessibility, management and security. Whether for the conversion of historical documents, the management of administrative records or the preservation of sensitive documents, AGS Records Management guarantees a personalised approach and impeccable quality at every stage of the digitisation process.


A centre of interdisciplinary expertise, MEMORIST preserves, restores, digitises and enhances your legacy, in our workshops or at your premises. The combination of our unique skills means we can handle all types of assets: 2D / 3D / audio and film, and offer tailor-made solutions adapted to specific needs. MEMORIST presentation video:


Founded 50 years ago and now run by the third generation of the Taïeb and Castro families, the MOBILITAS group is a mid-sized company specialising in the mobility of goods and people, physical and digital archiving, and the digital preservation of legacy assets. Present in 102 countries, the group relies on its own network and exclusive agents to offer customers an unrivalled service in all its operational sectors. The long term reflects its philosophy and culture, which guide its major business and investment decisions. Decisions that regularly shape and strengthen the group as it moves towards new processes, new businesses and new horizons.

Main image :
© istockphoto 612 x 612.
Image above:
© Kigali Genocide Memorial.

Infos Pratiques

Jules Calmets
+33 (0)7 66 52 74 45