Une Success Story

Communicating, celebrating and publishing the 50th anniversary of Galerie Templon: an operation that called on all the resources of Communic'Art

Notre mission

Consultancy in communication strategy, consultancy in press relations, international press relations campaign, content on social networks, publishing – was the mission entrusted to Communic’Art requiring all our know-how. All this was achieved with a degree of mutual commitment rarely seen between a gallery and an agency, the fruit of 12 years of collaboration and trust.

To mark the 50th anniversary of Galerie Templon, involved explaining and recognising Daniel Templon’s unique view of the contemporary art market and the success and remarkable longevity of his gallery, strengthen his international recognition and ensuring that all communication remained coherent, Communic’Art worked for two years with Daniel Templon and his team on this anniversary mission.


Les résultats

In 2016, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Galerie Templon involved a number of noteable events including the publication by Flammarion of a portrait of Daniel Templon by the historian Julie Verlaine. Communic’Art took charge of the international edition in English.

Exceptional exhibitions, including at the Biennale des Antiquaires, including a collection of museum quality works, all dated 1966 (Klein, Vasarely, Buren, Adami…), multiple portraits of Daniel Templon in the French and international press, creation and edition of a 960-page book retracing the gallery’s history with photos of exhibitions held there placed opposite articles from the time, retrospective exhibition at the Bernard Magrez cultural institute, not to mention continuous content on the gallery’s social media on the theme of the 50th anniversary. Results were a reflection of the gallery’s rich history.